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Vodyani shouldn't be affected by planet's approval modifiers

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8 years ago
Feb 5, 2017, 9:45:06 PM

I think it would be the logical thing to happen. While the resource modifiers are ok because they exploit the planets resources being influenced by the planet's approval modifiers (both, negative and positive) doesn't seem right to me. They live in the Arks (which i believe to be an awesome idea and concept to play with) so they don't care very much if the planet is beautiful or awful to live in since, well, they don't. Or at least the modifiers should be halved.

It is a very small change to make (I think) and it would fit perfectly with the faction.

Updated 3 days ago.
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8 years ago
Apr 25, 2017, 8:22:20 AM

I think the reason this effects them other than a balance thing is they still have to go and work/exploit them and if its a difficult environment they wont be happy about it.

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