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Support modules: weird ideas

Space BattlesShip DesignMilitary

8 years ago
Nov 18, 2016, 3:42:02 PM


I got weird ideas of new support module types. Sure Amplitude will get us more of them, but I'll post here my ideas.

Don't understand this post as a whole compact thing, but take every module suggestion as a separate idea. just I put all of them in a single post to avoid overcrowding this section.

I'll update if I got new ideas or modify it someway. If you got some idea that you feel may be included here, please don't hesitate and leave a post.

Let's go:

Tractor / repulsor beam module:

This module fixes an enemy ship in its worst possible firing range (according to its equipped weapons) for all battle duration.

To limit it a bit, the equipped ship can only immobilize one ship per battle, and also is limited to one module per ship (to avoid putting one of this in each fleet and keeping all enemies in worst range).

Requires antimatter to power it.

Kamikaze module:

When a ship has it module equipped, if it goes under 5% HP, it will charge against an enemy ship, dealing it damage related to ship speed and mass, and being destroyed in this process.

This module redirects all power to engines, so this ship will gain great speed but won't be able to fire any weapon, and shields will be turn off once module is activated.

Once activated, it will receive damage as normal, so the enemy can destroy this ship before the collision, avoiding any damage.

- As idea to calc the damage, I think speed should be calculated from engine modules (number, tier,...) and mass from hull type and initial HP, making smaller ships faster to compensate lower mass and make it also interesting.

- Time to equip this in this tiny scout and take down that big carrier!

- suggest improved and more damaging and quick versions when you can fuel it with hyperium/antimatter/quadranyx.

Recycle drones module:

This module gives you strategic resources from destroyed ships (friend or foe) after a victory.

You have to won even a minor victory, any other result will make the enemy stopping your drones from getting to the destroyed ships.

Initially I propose a 20% resource for every module.

Multiple modules can stack in same ship, but independent from number of modules in your ships/fleets you can never get more than 100% of resources in destroyed ships.

Missile deceiving module:

This module interferes with enemy missiles guidance system, deviating them to enemy ships. In short: some missiles will hit its own fleet ships instead of yours.

Every module affects a number of missiles, and modules from different ships and in same ship can stack.

- Suggested value: 1 module deceives 2% of missiles.

- As balance suggestion this module will grant at least 1 missile deviated for each salvo and a maximum of 20% of missiles, regardless how many modules you have in your fleet.

EMP module:

Obvious one.

To make it balanced, you can equip only one per ship. One of your ships can only immobilize one enemy ship. After using EMP your ship will take some time to recover and be shut down (but lot less time than the enemy ship).

Aggregator/salvage module:

Good idea from @AquaticSonarKey. you can read the post below.

Updated a month ago.
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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

Most of these have been implemented in one way or another: The Community Challenge Add-on, the Vaulters DLC, or the Supremacy DLC come to mind.


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8 years ago
Nov 18, 2016, 4:14:29 PM

Tractor/Repulsor Beam Module:  Absolutely Not.  This would be too easily broken due to ship fittings.  Such as the Vodyani medium attack cruiser that actually can't fit any close range weapons at all.  Seriously, it can only fit medium to long range weapons.  The concept behind your tractor beam would mean that you would force that ship to always sit in a position where it would literally be incapable of fighting back.  This would also cause issues with custom ship builds as well.  This would go a long way to causing a lot of really bad balance issues.  Sorry, no.

Kamikaze Module:  I like it.  Should be limited to smaller ships though.

Recycle Drones Module: Not a bad idea.  But I think I would like it better if instead of gaining strategic resources (because you never know what resources a ship would end up having from it's construction), I think it would be better used for repairing ships in that fleet and replenishing fighters.

Missile deceiving module:  hmm.  I don't know if I like this one.  I think I'd prefer to stick with the old school ECM type module.

EMP module:  Never been a fan of EMP's.  Most things in the real military world are hardened against EMP today.  Why would advanced futuristic ships somehow not be resistant to EMP's.

These are just my opinions on these concept modules.  I like a couple, but not others.

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8 years ago
Nov 18, 2016, 4:28:39 PM
ValhallasAshes wrote:

Tractor/Repulsor Beam Module:  Absolutely Not.  This would be too easily broken due to ship fittings.  Such as the Vodyani medium attack cruiser that actually can't fit any close range weapons at all.  Seriously, it can only fit medium to long range weapons.  The concept behind your tractor beam would mean that you would force that ship to always sit in a position where it would literally be incapable of fighting back.  This would also cause issues with custom ship builds as well.  This would go a long way to causing a lot of really bad balance issues.  Sorry, no.

Take in account that devs said that in next patch all weapon types will be available to all hulls, and also they're reworking combat system. Also it may be more balanced if all weapons fire from all ranges, but with penalties if out of optimal range, wich we don't know if will be implemented.

Kamikaze Module:  I like it.  Should be limited to smaller ships though.

Mmm.. limit to one ship size will depend on how you calculate the damage. What is worst a very fast but with low mass projectile, or a big one, even if it is a bit slower?

Have no clear answer, as all that is highly dependent on how you make the numbers, and I won't venture in actual game status.

Recycle Drones Module: Not a bad idea.  But I think I would like it better if instead of gaining strategic resources (because you never know what resources a ship would end up having from it's construction), I think it would be better used for repairing ships in that fleet and replenishing fighters.

Repairing modules are still in the game. Not tried much, so not sure how they actually work, but for sure we'll have a working version of actual ones in release.

Missile deceiving module:  hmm.  I don't know if I like this one.  I think I'd prefer to stick with the old school ECM type module.

It's only to add fun. respect your taste about that.

EMP module:  Never been a fan of EMP's.  Most things in the real military world are hardened against EMP today.  Why would advanced futuristic ships somehow not be resistant to EMP's.

As previous one.

Anyway thanks for your opinions.

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8 years ago
Nov 18, 2016, 5:30:36 PM

Along the lines of your recycle module, I propose this (which I posted in Battle thread of game design forum)

Awarding Science Points for successfully salvaged destroyed enemy ships after combat.

Offers possibility of recovering Tech points toward research of various ship-relevant techs if a destroyed enemy combatant has a higher level of tech module.  A module could be developed that increases the likelihood that salvage operation is successful (my intuition is that the base probability would be fairly low, 15% perhaps, and that a +300% bonus could be awarded to fleets with a ship outfitted with a 'specialized salvage module' such that the probability becomes 60%.)

Suggested name:

'aggregator' or 'salvage' module  

(since the debris would be blown vast distances, perhaps the module detects an imminent destruction and places a grav field around the ship to gather the debris in the vicinity of the destroyed ship, where it can be more easily accessed.)

I would suggest that the salvage provide a percentage of the current total research cost of that type of tech (though a fixed amount would be easier to code, it would prove very useful early on and produce negligible benefits later.)  This amount should be upscaled based on the level of advancement beyond one's own current research level. 

As you suggested, resources salvaged too, for example, titanium if the vessel were equipped with titanium-based weaponry, defense, or support modules.

I like the kamikaze idea, and also agree it ought to be limited to small vessels. 

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8 years ago
Nov 19, 2016, 2:52:40 PM

Definitely upvote for a salvage unit as it makes thematic sense. Has to be carefully balanced, though, with militarist law that gives resources after each battle. Maybe have this module only available to the ecologist faction? Cleaning up space and recycling fits their natural alignment very well.

Regarding specialised modules that change the ship's behaviour in battle (like kamikaze, fire ship, etc.) - I'm not sure it'll be possible due to how combat system is calculating the outcome of the battle. It's feels too "manual" and would probably be hard to code a predictable computer response.


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Nice to have

The NICE TO HAVE status is given by the dev team to ideas they would like to have in the game.


DEV SpaceTroll

status updated 8 years ago

Interesting to keep an eye out on your list for more added variety in the game.

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8 years ago
Dec 20, 2016, 11:35:38 PM

Wow! Whishlisted!

A little update today. I come with new weird ideas.


Mmmph.. can't edit the main post. Suppose it is due to its new status. There the new ideas:

Decoy module:

Equipping this module in a ship will make opponent's ships prioritise it as target. Good for tank units, or making your opponent's fleet fire at garbage ships while your destroyers are doing their work.

This one should be a cheap module, as you spend one slot only to this.

Have in mind that this will make this ship a priority while targeting, but not a must, and enemy ships may target others, depending on:

- Being at better range for its weapons.

- Possibility in new combat system of manual pre-battle targeting (even at flotilla level).

Faraday cage module:

Basically makes this ship immune to EMPs and any other electrical or similar attack.

Command module:

Special for hero's ships. Enhances the bonus from hero abilities to all ships in his/her flotilla. May be requires a bit penalty to hero's ships stats to balance, not sure about that.

Countermeasures module:

Basically uses any available strategy to make your opponent's weapons miss when trying to flee. In practice damage when retreating is reduced, propose a 25% less per module (stacks), but not sure about value.

This is to make your explores more durable. Should be cheap.

Killing probes module:

This module coordinates your probes to use as big suicide missiles against your opponents. In practice you loose all your probes fleet stock, but your enemy starts with damage to their ships proportional to your probes umber and curiosity level. Damage is distributed randomly.

This one is also to make your explorers bit more useful during a battle. IMO shouldn't be allowed to use with the previous one, but not sure.


Thanks for reading, and remember:

  • These are my ideas, if you think you got  new one that fits here, you may post, as long as devs doesn't want it in a new and separate idea. This is to avoid duplicates.
  • If some of this doesn't likes you, don't hesitate and post. IMO is as good to know what people wants as what people doesn't want.


Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 21, 2016, 7:19:39 AM

I don't see "Killing probes module" as something that should be implemented.
It is not different from missiles and those probes should get shoot down like anything else.

At most this should be a single volley during battle not damage dealt before battle.

New ideas for modules:

Harvester module:

Extracts a portion of resources from destroyed ships (both friendly and enemy).

Maybe even some dust?

Boarding pods:

This would make sense for ships to have manpower and fight back.

Self destruct module:

If ships could get boarded this module would destroy the ship instead of letting it fall in enemy hands.

Patrol probe:

A new type of probe that has longer life but cannot travel far.

You have a short distance that the probe can travel but the probe stays there for 8-14 turns and provides intelligence.

There should be a way to shoot down this kind of probes.

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8 years ago
Dec 21, 2016, 2:29:24 PM
samsonazs wrote:

I don't see "Killing probes module" as something that should be implemented.
It is not different from missiles and those probes should get shoot down like anything else.

At most this should be a single volley during battle not damage dealt before battle.

See it. May be better the way you say.

New ideas for modules:

Harvester module:

Extracts a portion of resources from destroyed ships (both friendly and enemy).

Maybe even some dust?

Seems an improved version of Recicler. May be better if it gives dust and other things a part of strategic resources. Look at AquaticSonarKey agregator.

Looks like many people here wants this, my only concern is how to balance this to avoid modules making the same as "Spoils of war" law, that's the reason I proposed only strategic resources.

Boarding pods:

This would make sense for ships to have manpower and fight back.

Self destruct module:

If ships could get boarded this module would destroy the ship instead of letting it fall in enemy hands.

Patrol probe:

A new type of probe that has longer life but cannot travel far.

You have a short distance that the probe can travel but the probe stays there for 8-14 turns and provides intelligence.

There should be a way to shoot down this kind of probes.

Three good ones!

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8 years ago
Apr 12, 2017, 9:11:23 PM

they may have been in the works by the Devs prior to this idea, but it's cool to see a couple of these modules in the game already (unless I'm just imagining things....confirmation bias, and all that jazz.

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8 years ago
Jun 2, 2017, 6:13:10 AM

Upvoted for the next coming ideas reviews.

The game really needs more module flexibility for most races. Adding new support modules would be a must (Well, adding some slots on most ships would not hurt neither, this could be part of the change I guess).

My special mention are going for : Patrol probes and Countermeasures. Wich I think should already be ingame.

Also I'd like to add a module idea :

Shield and armor repairers : This module can only repair other ships, you could only insert them on a weapon slot. This way you could design repair ships during battles. I think the EMP module should counter them if it gets implemented, instead of immobilizing a ship.

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7 years ago
Aug 13, 2018, 10:06:05 PM
ValhallasAshes wrote:

Tractor/Repulsor Beam Module:  Absolutely Not.  

Why not? Having somthing to counter or outplay your enemy is strategy, if you use them, then the  enemy has to learn to change or to use something else to counter.

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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

Most of these have been implemented in one way or another: The Community Challenge Add-on, the Vaulters DLC, or the Supremacy DLC come to mind.

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