Hello everyone!
Had this idea of improving the way a new system starts out by adding passive bonuses to the colony base every system starts with by connecting it tot the tech advancement in "Economy and Trade", some sort of independent from spending luxuries. Thought of something like this:
First a collage of images from ingame-footage to actually show what I'm talking about in the first place
This is most basic stuff that we start with.
Researching to unlock Stage 3 in Economy&Trade
- Basic System Upgrade + Improved Colony Base
-passively including Drone Network and Cerebral Reality in Colony Base/Cathedral Stats and removing them as system improvements (Really think we're done with "Initial" stuff when researching tech like that )
updated stats would be something like this:
upkeep reduced to 10
slight increase in = +5 (Cathedral influence bouns unchanged maybe?)
Researching Stage 4
-Advanced System Upgrade + Advanced Colony Base
increasing stats to
no upkeep
+10 (now also for vodyani?)
Stage 5 would be
-Endless System Upgrade + Dedicated Colony Base
no upkeep
so...what this actually does: Providing you with a better base scaling with your advancement in Science. Stats are of course debatable but always starting out with the same old base seems kind of strange given the fact that improvements tend to cost more to build later on.
Looking forward to get some feedback! So long and keep playing...Endless :)
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