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Rally points


8 years ago
Feb 21, 2017, 1:40:25 PM

quite a basic idea to reduce micromanagement:

A point of reference e.g. system or a fleet that is used so newly constructed military ships will move to that point instead of simply staying in the hangar.

There are two options:

1) rally points for individual systems, i.e. each system can have a different rally point, this allows for greater customization, but also introduces more micromanagement in comparison to the other option.

2) global rally points, i.e. you set one rally point which is used by all systems. a very simply solution that is basically one click. the downside is less customization. this system was recently introduced in Stellaris and is a great feature to have imho.

Updated 10 hours ago.
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8 years ago
Feb 25, 2017, 12:11:30 AM

Yes, similar system was in one of latest ES1 updates. I'll like to see it back.

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8 years ago
Mar 1, 2017, 10:39:44 AM

This would be a nice inclusion!

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8 years ago
Mar 8, 2017, 2:24:10 AM

As long as this system can recognize when a system changes hands. The ES1 system would keep sending ships in 1 by 1 even after either the rally point or a system on the path to the rally point was full of enemy ships, wasting your troops. Give a warning to change the point if that happens.

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8 years ago
Jun 8, 2017, 7:06:34 AM

Yup, at least the ES1 version would bring joy and happines, the global version is not exactly risk-free to use, but I support it aswell.

Original version beign alt clicking systems with GUI.

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7 years ago
Mar 31, 2018, 2:11:09 PM

Absolutely. Considering the original had rally points there is no reason for the successor to be without them.

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7 years ago
Apr 23, 2018, 9:48:43 AM

how about a syestem like the migraton tool i.e in the system a new bit of ui would appear that allowed any new ships to be moved to syestem "x". i usualy have 3-4 systems producing one type of unit with one 'test' army that i would like to keep seperate.

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6 years ago
Sep 11, 2019, 3:38:34 PM

Is this in the game yet? I was playing yesterday and it doesn't appear to be.

This is quite fundamental to 4X space games. It would be nice (given that ES2 has hangars) that the ships form a fleet of one, travel to the destination system, and (if friendly), disband into the hangar there.

However I would take a dummy global system of creating a fleet of one, travelling to the destination system and doing nothing. I don't even care if it checks to see who owns the system. I can manage that part.

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