Right now we have 1 queue/system. This limits your choices. For example if you are at war, suddenly every improvement gets put on the back burner to build ships. There are also several advantages and systems it could introduce.

  • Give players more ability to build and use fleets since they aren't sacrificng the ability to build improvements (but of course still costs resources, could also have space-based things that aren't ships like defence platforms, mining stations, warp accerators, forward bases for claiming uninhabitable systems).
  • Can have faction differentiation based around queue use
    • Vodyani build on 3 queues (ark, planet, and ship) with arks taking a more direct role as combat craft at the cost of not being in systems to gather
    • Cravers can be a true "zerg-like" race of devourers as their lore suggests by being able to build ships in both queues (swarm tactics; individual ships less powerful) at the cost of depleting worlds even faster
    • Lumeris can pay money to build ships on with the surface queue.
    • Empire can sacrifice happiness to turn worlds into pure shipyards (combine with a slavery mechanic?) but that leaves the world unable to have non-IND improvements
    • Sophons and Horatio never mix queues (sohpons would never take resources away from research, Horatio won't dirty his planets), but have other stuff to compensate