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Make Galaxy as alive than world of Endless Legend

QuestsNarrativeGalaxy GenerationExploration

8 years ago
Mar 8, 2017, 12:13:22 PM

I feel the galaxy is a very dead place, not very enjoyable to explore because it's empty, and not many things to do.

This is a decrease of gameplay since the wonderfull Endless Legend world.

So what I propose here is not a easy task, but there is time before release, even for strong improvements.

How to make galaxy alive and interesting to explore ?

Easy, there is a model of excellence with Endless Legend world. So just follow this pathway.

Actualy, Galaxy get 2 categorys of elements :

- Solar system to colonize

- Big cosmics naturals like black hole, asteroid, where there is nothing to do, except being in influence zone for getting bonus.

So keep it like this, but add this :

Mini-Nodes !

When going from a point A to a point B, travel can be long. 

Instead, add a world of Mini-node everywhere.

Each traveling line get many mini-nodes. Even, you can have a pathway of mini-nodes fully independant. Not only relying big elements, but just going to anothers mini-nodes.

Some mini-node network could be hidden (unless you get a travel technology). And some mini-node could be out of any network (need to travel in deep space for reaching it).

What are the mini-nodes ?

- can't be colonized.

- a cosmic elements like : mini black-hole, gas nebula, asteroids, red giant star, neutron star, comets orbits, neutral star station, bussiness area, etc...

- a zone where movement speed can change (slower in asteroids, fastest near mini-black hole). Like terrain type in endless legend.

- a zone where you can send probes for more loot, or for finding a QUEST.

- a zone where you can meet some personnalities, or workshops, or guys from minor factions or others species.

- a zone where something unexpected happens, or an event occur, asking you for example to stop a nova reaction.

- a zone where you can fight some space monsters. (and win XP).

- a zone where you can build maybe a special ship and orbiting here for winning something.

- a zone with graphics/visuals spreading out in space, making a more living galaxy.

And more about visuals :

- some globals events should be anticipated or seen in galaxy. Like weather in Endless Legend.

- Show 3d ships models in galaxy instead of a colored vertex, then add a colored symbol for faction.

Update of this Idea - Faisability :

As I was thinking about faisability of this, I think even dev team can't make a mini-node system (I suppose it could break a lot of features already made), it's still an idea that could be apply as the game already is.

I explain how.

Use the actual node system, but change totaly how to use it :

Make many more nodes, and make very shorts node-lines. This will build a galaxy looking like a very dense network.

Then, change proportion of each elements :

- In this example, it's a galaxy with 2x more nodes, and each line lengh between nodes is divided by 2, if you compare it with what provide actual galaxy generator.

- There is same number of colonizables system than before, for a galaxy of this size. So approximatively it should make 4/10 nodes = Colonisable system (or minor faction system).

- There is same number of big elements to conquer with influence, so it should make : 2/10 nodes = Big elements (be careful to not stick big elements just near colonizable systems).

- There is then 4/10 "specials nodes". These specials nodes are like I described before in mini-nodes, and get same property about movements or features. So not colonizable, but full of many adventures and places to explore.

I try to make your life easier, dev team ! ;-)

But it make still a lot of new objects/class to implement, because this is new node types.

Updated 7 days ago.
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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


DEV SpaceTroll

status updated 8 years ago

this is not really in our vision, yet we want to keep working on adding life to the galaxy and we will look into more diversification of curiosities.


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8 years ago
Mar 26, 2017, 1:44:55 AM

This is a great idea , i vote for you.  In my opinion, should be more elements animated in game. I really like half animated pictures  like a League of Legend login screen in luncher. ;)

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8 years ago
Mar 26, 2017, 2:40:02 PM

To add to this idea, maybe add some sort of purely cosmetic traffic between systems, to show trade routes and such...

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8 years ago
Mar 27, 2017, 9:51:33 AM

Good idea. Even if it's not done the way you're suggesting it, the simple idea of making the galaxy more vibrant is important in my opinion. More events, more triggers, more choices : more things happening each turn. That would be really great. Could be also nice to add an event editor linked to a steam workshop with devs implementing the more supported ones in some regular patches.

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8 years ago
Mar 27, 2017, 7:18:22 PM

I add to this, it's sad to get some ships with colored structures instead of real 3d ships (with a colored icon for showing faction).

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8 years ago
Mar 27, 2017, 11:11:20 PM

I agree. One of the things that made Endless Legend feel more "alive" I think was the diversity of quests. It made it feel like there was more going on than just the macro-level empire actions, like individuals making an impact on the world.

Right now in ES2, you have minor faction quests, but those seem to dry up pretty quickly. It might be neat if minor factions you've acquired would periodically offer a quest to get something more from their population, like do A and then get +3 of their population on a system, or do B and receive a donation from each of their population. I think that would help make it feel more lively, making acquired minor factions continue to participate rather than just sit and fill up your population slots.

For the Vodyani since they don't get foreign populations, they could have quests that might give them a bonus to essence, as if a scouting party discovered and consumed some traveling minor civ ship.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Apr 3, 2017, 7:10:17 PM

Even if it isn't manageable befor release, developers should stil keep this in mind for future post-release updates!

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Apr 22, 2017, 10:25:18 PM

I also dont like the wireframe ships icons - would prefer to see them as solid textured 3d models.

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8 years ago
Jun 3, 2017, 5:34:50 PM

I think this has been partially implemented with nodes that only contains asteroid belts or nebulas. No anomalies though on them as far as I could tell :(


And yes! I would also love to see the fleet wireframes gone, where do I sign-up for that? :)

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8 years ago
Jun 5, 2017, 2:06:53 PM

"- Show 3d ships models in galaxy instead of a colored vertex, then add a colored symbol for faction."

yes, YES - I love Endless Legend: hour colorfull it is and just a joy to look at the map.

I also wish to have at least some similar feeling when looking at the galaxy map but there are so few design elements there

So especially in case of fleets I found it curious they have went with this wireframe design - it feels to steril+does not help by the identification of the faction much which should be the main pusporse of a strategic map (and no the color is not enough as there are very few colours and some of them are quite similar + it would assume the player memorises all the colours for the factions per each galaxy)

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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


DEV SpaceTroll

status updated 8 years ago

this is not really in our vision, yet we want to keep working on adding life to the galaxy and we will look into more diversification of curiosities.
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