This idea is for pop growth to be tied to full planets providing the conditions are met;

  • Planet A has 6/6 pops of United Empire
  • Planet B 3/6 pops, these three are Hissho
  • Planet C has 6/6 pops of United Empire

So instead of the next pop having a high chance of being United Empire, because planet A and C are full, the next pop will be Hissho. 

Moving onto how this changes once you put a UE pop onto planet B, the growth system reverts back to the normal and current pop growth dynamic where the pop will grow and be placed randomly on either planet B or planet C, however with the addition that if the pop is a Hissho, it will grow on planet B, as that is the sole planet where Hissho are located, meaning planet C in its new state of 5/6 pops will only produce a UE pop to populate it.

I think more than anything this will be a quality of life change, as I go into every game and use the spaceport to send pops to full planets in order to effectively delete pops, with this it would mean that players have to spend much less time every turn deleting pops, allowing the player more-time to effectively enjoy eXploring, eXpanding, eXterminating and eXploiting instead of fighting against the user interface through repetitive administrative tasks!

