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Something like RingWorlds for Vodyani!

Major FactionsSystem Management

8 years ago
Mar 14, 2017, 2:21:06 AM

Overall I liked the Vodyani and their ark ships, however it felt like their ark ships were only the first step. I could imagine when they get into the late game techs to tear apart a system and in conjunction with a few ark ships (3-5?) form a ringworld.

Naturally it would have to be worth the effort, hopefully pulling all the strategic/luxury resources, or most into the ringworld, with high population population capacity. Possibly bonuses to ship building as well xD, and of course the ark ships could act together as the defense for the ringworld in battle if there is no fleet before it would be possible to land a invasion. And if the ark ships are destroyed, the ringworld would face penalties until rebuilt.

As far as being overpowered, i'd hope the effort and ark ship part would limit that, but another factor could be a limit of ringworlds through a repeatable tech *shrug*. Bottom line, I felt like the ark ships were a teaser and hope for something like a ringworld(super structure) or maybe a massive ship to build towards for the late game.

Updated 6 months ago.
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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

Allowing the Vodyani to destroy planets to construct Ringworlds is a bit beyond the vision for for the faction, and it is not a feature we would like to restrict to one faction if it were implemented.


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8 years ago
Mar 15, 2017, 4:22:40 AM

Build an Endless themed Death Star! lol jk 

But for real, love this idea. I'm not sure if it should be exclusive to the Vodyani. At a glance I was thinking it would act like a planet that you could find already in the universe and it's up to the players to get to and colonize/defend it first to reap the benefits.... now that I think about it'd be like those island fortresses (I forget what they're actually called) in one of the recent Endless Legend DLCs.

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8 years ago
Apr 16, 2017, 4:04:26 PM

I really like this idea.  It would certainly add a really cool dynamic to the Vodyani and unique gameplay element that would further distinguish the vodyani from other factions.  The only thing I do wonder though is, in the starting lore video, the Vodyani try to describe themselves as caretakers.  Alluding to them failing and opting to live in arks instead in order to be proper caretakers.  Again alluding to being caretakes of the planets.  I wonder how this mechanic as you've described it (effectively destroying planets to make ring worlds) might fly in the face of that Lore.  But other than that one concern, I really love the idea.

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8 years ago
May 10, 2017, 12:31:14 AM
ValhallasAshes wrote:

I really like this idea.  It would certainly add a really cool dynamic to the Vodyani and unique gameplay element that would further distinguish the vodyani from other factions.  The only thing I do wonder though is, in the starting lore video, the Vodyani try to describe themselves as caretakers.  Alluding to them failing and opting to live in arks instead in order to be proper caretakers.  Again alluding to being caretakes of the planets.  I wonder how this mechanic as you've described it (effectively destroying planets to make ring worlds) might fly in the face of that Lore.  But other than that one concern, I really love the idea.

Well the caretakers was referring to their world, and even on their worlds they had cities for their homes. Just it went out of control industry wise xD. Anyway, i feel they view themselves as going from the planet 'caretakers' to the universe 'caretakers' they are in, as far as caretakers go. Thus, making a system or a few systems their 'cities' so to speak would make sense to me. As for destroying planets, i'd view it more as reforming them into a suitable and glorious home :D, since it would all be used in the ringworld. It would also be nice if they had some form of teleportation gate connecting the their ringworlds forming a network. Furthermore, the phrase Shepard comes to mind as far as their religious ideology goes and I wouldn't be surprised if they view other races as cattle due to their dust need. 

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Nice to have

The NICE TO HAVE status is given by the dev team to ideas they would like to have in the game.

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8 years ago
Aug 22, 2017, 7:02:38 PM

Actually: I figured the space station Nexus in ME:A may suggested a good idea for this concept to land in game:docking.

For now, any system can only be anchored by one Voda Ark. So How about A "Nexus" system that allow the simutaneous docking of two or even three arks?

The station remains Voda even without Arks but its productivity will be limited as it will only have skeleton crew to keep the station running. And when an ark docks, they truly work.

When multiple Arks dock, it works like crazy. The production of resources also doubled.

Otherwise, station system works like a 5 star system with fantastic pop cap on every planet.

Every "planet", or "station section" start as firtile temperate. But their "climate" and "firtility" can be individually changed later with industry and terraforming techs to suit different needs.

Station system is more resistant, but not immune against cultrual conversion and military conquest.

Station world construction can be done in any system. However, for every pop slot fewer than a certain threshold, additional industry will be cost to make up for it, so system with large number of large, fertile planets will be most advisable for station world construction.


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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

Allowing the Vodyani to destroy planets to construct Ringworlds is a bit beyond the vision for for the faction, and it is not a feature we would like to restrict to one faction if it were implemented.

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