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Upgradable Hero Ships

Space BattlesShip DesignHeroes

8 years ago
Mar 27, 2017, 12:58:58 AM

Heros are stuck with the same ship that they start out with throughout the game.

I propose that hero's are able to spend a point once they get up to a high level to upgrade to a larger ship.

Updated 7 days ago.
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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

As Dagart said, we can't swap the ship model during an ongoing game, and I don't think just adding a few slots to hero ships would satisfy the spirit of this idea (an impressive flagship). So unfortunately, I have to assigned this "Out of Vision," even if we agree that a Carrier-class flagship would be cool.


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8 years ago
Apr 3, 2017, 8:07:48 PM

Alowing heroes to upgrade their ships, depending on the tech you have researched would be nice! So that heroes can finaly pilot faction related ships.

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8 years ago
Jun 1, 2017, 12:16:20 AM

Great idea!

Would add a lot of excitement to battles to enter the watch mode and see an enemy carrier warp in, only to have that "oh ****, it's a hero flagship" moment.

Would also love to see the flagships have some kind of unique skin or at least incorporate player colours.

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8 years ago
Jun 6, 2017, 7:36:33 PM

it would be nice as well if the heros got like a faction specific upgrade along with a generic upgrade that all heros can upgrade to.

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The WISHLISTED status is given by the dev team to ideas they would like to have in the game.


DEV Dagart

status updated 8 years ago

The status of this idea has been changed to WISHLISTED as it we hope to implement it in our game.

we cannot change ship model, but we could unlock progressively the ship's slots.

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6 years ago
Dec 16, 2018, 6:17:35 AM

I see people are still liking this idea.  

I hope making unlockable turrent slots will be available in the future.  It would make hero ships feel like they are evolving with the rest of the empire.

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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

As Dagart said, we can't swap the ship model during an ongoing game, and I don't think just adding a few slots to hero ships would satisfy the spirit of this idea (an impressive flagship). So unfortunately, I have to assigned this "Out of Vision," even if we agree that a Carrier-class flagship would be cool.

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