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Make each race more distinct by revamping the tech tree and make more special abilities

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8 years ago
Mar 29, 2017, 2:46:16 PM

Right now, I believe that all of the major factions having access to most tech that other factions have does not makes them feel distinct enough from each other.

I choose the United Empire and the Riftborn only due to them being able to pump out population, ships and other nifty things meaning I can easily overwhelm the opposition because they don't have the advantages I have.

What I would like is that each race's tech tree should only have access to certain research options that reflect their traits/ideology of their species and special tech that only they can research. Such as the Vodyani having most of dust-related technology etc and they have similar yet weaker traits that are related to the Endless.

Also each race should have abilities such as the Riftborn's time bubble. One idea is the United Empire could have a special ability called the "Emperor's Command" where everything can be bought out at a low price but at the expense of popularity and large yet temporary negative effects on your production of dust, food etc.

Updated 2 months ago.
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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.


DEV Dagart

status updated 8 years ago

The status of this idea has been changed to IMPLEMENTED as it has been implemented in the game. High five! Congratulations!


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8 years ago
Mar 30, 2017, 1:53:24 PM

To me it seems very strange that public-private partnerships and the industry building that comes from Xenolinguistics give +10 sci/ind on temperate and fertile, even if the race you are playing does not start out on a temperate or fertile planet. As a Sophon starting on a cold planet, it seems very strange that their initial science building is less suitable to cold environments, especially since late-game science buildings tend to give bonuses for being on cold. I kind of understand why the buildings are like this, but it does give the impression that these alien races are far too similar. Imagine encountering a previously uncontacted alien race from across the galaxy and finding out the improvements in their systems are identical to your own (or at least have the same stats; we can assume that the buildings themselves look different to the pops). I think diversifying the tech tree even a little bit would lead to a lot of unique playstyles, in the best way possible.

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8 years ago
Mar 30, 2017, 7:09:30 PM

Probably not going to happen at this point but I'd like to see just a fifth section on the tech tree for tech upgrades JUST for the faction you're using.

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8 years ago
Apr 1, 2017, 7:24:04 AM

Amp said that they'll put specific faction techs. don't remember which update, but actually should be for release...

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8 years ago
Apr 3, 2017, 7:03:40 PM

I think that specific techs for each faction, like all the time-rift options for the Riftborn (they have a tech that gives them 2 more rifts available).

Examples of these could be:


-Trading ship modual : The Lumerias can add in a support slot a trading modual that allows that fleet to act like a weaker-sub-trading post. which allows for some interesting ship play by them. (go to worlds that aren't colonized and trade the speacil reasources on them.


-Hypnotic atomsphere: When vodyani ships are in minor faction planets, they gain favor. (allowing vodyani that ability to quickly brainwash minor factions.


-FUllc consumtion: Gives the cravers tha ability to destroy depleted planets(with an evacuation) for a burst of industry and food (functions like evacuation)


-Long ranged scanners: Allows the sophons to see adjacent systems to an allied system. (also allows them to see the connecting starlane) is a building that produces a some science/ or increase ground battle defenses not sur.

United empire:

-Emperors statue: A building that gives 25 approval per system level. 


-Genetic foods: Once this tech is reasreached all sysems produce 10% more food


-Warp Portal: Only the dreadnaught can have this modual, that allows ships in freindly systems to be teleported to the dreadnaught. (the idea being ripping a hole in space time)

The Unfallen: (not sure how they work but a thought)

-Green house: A terraforming option that improves food output by 20%

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8 years ago
Apr 4, 2017, 4:17:55 AM

I really like your ideas.

UnseenDeamon wrote:

I think that specific techs for each faction, like all the time-rift options for the Riftborn (they have a tech that gives them 2 more rifts available).

Examples of these could be:


-Trading ship modual : The Lumerias can add in a support slot a trading modual that allows that fleet to act like a weaker-sub-trading post. which allows for some interesting ship play by them. (go to worlds that aren't colonized and trade the speacil reasources on them.


-Hypnotic atomsphere: When vodyani ships are in minor faction planets, they gain favor. (allowing vodyani that ability to quickly brainwash minor factions.


-FUllc consumtion: Gives the cravers tha ability to destroy depleted planets(with an evacuation) for a burst of industry and food (functions like evacuation)


-Long ranged scanners: Allows the sophons to see adjacent systems to an allied system. (also allows them to see the connecting starlane) is a building that produces a some science/ or increase ground battle defenses not sur.

United empire:

-Emperors statue: A building that gives 25 approval per system level. 


-Genetic foods: Once this tech is reasreached all sysems produce 10% more food


-Warp Portal: Only the dreadnaught can have this modual, that allows ships in freindly systems to be teleported to the dreadnaught. (the idea being ripping a hole in space time)

The Unfallen: (not sure how they work but a thought)

-Green house: A terraforming option that improves food output by 20%

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8 years ago
Apr 5, 2017, 3:30:11 PM
UnseenDeamon wrote:


-FUllc consumtion: Gives the cravers tha ability to destroy depleted planets(with an evacuation) for a burst of industry and food (functions like evacuation)

I doubt that the Cravers would actually destroy any planets but simply deplete them. 

But it also adds quite some cool strategies though. You can potentially starve out your opponent of strategic resources and luxury resources if done right. Like your idea 

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8 years ago
Apr 5, 2017, 6:40:32 PM
AnonymousCaptain wrote:
UnseenDeamon wrote:


-FUllc consumtion: Gives the cravers tha ability to destroy depleted planets(with an evacuation) for a burst of industry and food (functions like evacuation)

I doubt that the Cravers would actually destroy any planets but simply deplete them. 

But it also adds quite some cool strategies though. You can potentially starve out your opponent of strategic resources and luxury resources if done right. Like your idea 

The idea would be that maybe the planet would be useless to others and that the cravers could really boost there growth.

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8 years ago
Apr 5, 2017, 8:47:42 PM

Im agree with your observations.

It's why I proposed also an idea about to change planet colonisation techs according to each race. In my example, first tech the sophon have access (era 1 in tech tree) is artic planets.

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8 years ago
Apr 6, 2017, 12:18:45 AM
Enchanteur wrote:

Im agree with your observations.

It's why I proposed also an idea about to change planet colonisation techs according to each race. In my example, first tech the sophon have access (era 1 in tech tree) is artic planets.

I kinda like that idea as well, Maybe even give some races starting colonization techs, allow some of them to grab late game systems eariler.

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8 years ago
Apr 8, 2017, 7:54:53 AM
I like this idea. Not just because more diversity is good, but because it'd help flesh one some of the current inconsistencies between races' alleged proficiencies/skills and what they can actually get/achieve in the game.

Right now, for example, the Horatio can learn the Colonial Rights tech - a system improvement that gives +5 Approval for each population type in a system. Given that the Horatio playstyle (and their mechanics) are all about (forcibly) assimilating other factions and population types into Horatio, and that you shouldn't have any other population types in your systems as a result, this seems contradictory at best. If they had something like the Vodyani's Centre for Holy Tithe (a straight +10 Approval bonus, IIRC) it'd make a lot more sense.

Likewise, having played some of the Cravers lately, they'd be a good example of a race which could use unique techs to flesh out their flavour. Their aggressive, sprawling gameplay style makes me wish for some kind of quick-raze option for recently conquered systems, as I've often found myself with significant overcolonisation penalties purely due to conquest on other factions. Further, the ability to better manipulate populations - similar to how the Horatio can convert other races into Horatio later on - would be a helpful late-game tech, probably just by consuming that population for food (perhaps even acting as a pop boost for the Craver faction?).

Adding these kinds of improvements would help to make each faction's gameplay significantly different, and can only be for the better.

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8 years ago
Apr 8, 2017, 6:51:51 PM
Muggins wrote:
I like this idea. Not just because more diversity is good, but because it'd help flesh one some of the current inconsistencies between races' alleged proficiencies/skills and what they can actually get/achieve in the game.

Right now, for example, the Horatio can learn the Colonial Rights tech - a system improvement that gives +5 Approval for each population type in a system. Given that the Horatio playstyle (and their mechanics) are all about (forcibly) assimilating other factions and population types into Horatio, and that you shouldn't have any other population types in your systems as a result, this seems contradictory at best. If they had something like the Vodyani's Centre for Holy Tithe (a straight +10 Approval bonus, IIRC) it'd make a lot more sense.

Likewise, having played some of the Cravers lately, they'd be a good example of a race which could use unique techs to flesh out their flavour. Their aggressive, sprawling gameplay style makes me wish for some kind of quick-raze option for recently conquered systems, as I've often found myself with significant overcolonisation penalties purely due to conquest on other factions. Further, the ability to better manipulate populations - similar to how the Horatio can convert other races into Horatio later on - would be a helpful late-game tech, probably just by consuming that population for food (perhaps even acting as a pop boost for the Craver faction?).

Adding these kinds of improvements would help to make each faction's gameplay significantly different, and can only be for the better.

The original Endless Space had faction specific Techs, some of them just like what you're describing. I could see the Horatio getting a specialized version of Colonial Rights, for example, that gives a bigger bonus, but suffers a malus if there are non-Horatio on system.

Some of the original games Techs were just great flavor-wise as well. Five-Star Drive Thru? ES1 Horatio were gloriously decadent

Updated 8 years ago.
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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.


DEV Dagart

status updated 8 years ago

The status of this idea has been changed to IMPLEMENTED as it has been implemented in the game. High five! Congratulations!

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8 years ago
Jun 30, 2017, 3:43:34 PM

The game lacks unique technologies which would reflect the traits of each of the eight factions, which would impact directly on the gameplay itself ! And in along the game small fractional technology IMHO!

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8 years ago
Jul 2, 2017, 6:40:12 PM
Virno wrote:

The game lacks unique technologies which would reflect the traits of each of the eight factions, which would impact directly on the gameplay itself ! And in along the game small fractional technology IMHO!

Agreed. We need more of this.

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