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Movement Battle Camera

Space Battles

8 years ago
Apr 5, 2017, 2:29:15 PM

Hi all,

First of all let me say that I know that the space battles are not the main part of the game is one thing that I was always annoyed by this aspect of the game, although marginal, is that the camera although it does make the movie experience in my opinion, I do not do it at all. Indeed nearly annoyance as it automatically moves and framing the scene.

What to see when you're framing

The first problem is, in my opinion, the camera seems to occur randomly turn on the battlefield very little framing the most important moments. As for example, the beginning of the clash of two fleets, the destruction of a particular ship or still the moment when it passes by, for example, the phase to be long-range to that from medium range.

Movements of the camera 

The second problem is how the camera moves. At the moment the exchange of shots is extremely fast and close enough to, at times, make me come headaches and making prefer the tactic view or in free mode. I think it would be better that the close-ups are maintained only during the deployment of the ships, when there is a kind of presentation of the fleet and there are animations of the ships as they prepare for battle. 

At a time when the battle starts the camera would have to move away from the ship and assume a position that does not face the same but with their backs to the enemy ships, but instead assuming a position that is able to make see the ships that are firing and also other ships to which the blows are directed. Especially they should have a much more gradual movement that is slow near the ships and to accelerate and decelerate gradually when changing from one ship to another, or from a group of other ships. The thing that would avoid completely jump from shot to shot it because, in my opinion, only bewilderment. Especially if the jump is done with shots in the foreground. 

In other words the camera should be more fluid and sweet in motion trying to fit in as what happens to the ships. To put the ships as if it were a kind of parade might be possible to increase the time of the preparation to the clash in order to have a better view of the ships and make it, as it already, skippable.

Updated 2 days ago.
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8 years ago
Apr 8, 2017, 9:37:54 PM


I also think the cinematography should be more fluid, and generally be more trajectory aligned.

one time when I like the close-up is when a vessel is destroyed.

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8 years ago
Apr 22, 2017, 10:14:28 PM

The combat camera has always infuriated me since ES1 - it is often looking the wrong way at the wrong moment, it definitely needs work, should be difficult to have the ship that is getting damaged or blown up always in frame no matter what.

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8 years ago
Jul 25, 2017, 10:26:32 AM

We definitely need a new AI cameraman. For me it seems that in ES1 it was better since camera tended to show more wide shots for longer timeframes. (but i don't remember it exactly, long time no see).

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