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Give Pacific Colonization tech to ONE faction only.

Major FactionsResearch

8 years ago
Apr 7, 2017, 11:08:52 AM

This tech is really too annoying, making the game boring in late game, as every opponent get it.

It ask a quick reaction and war, total eradication of the opponent using it.

This tech is too powerfull and anyway should be nerfed, or use something for counter the effect, like spend influence (it could be nice as there is too much influence in late game, and nothing for spending it).

But i would prefer also that tech is a special tech only one faction can use.

So choose a faction with a good thematic for that, and give it the technology. Then only this faction can use it.

Updated 9 months ago.
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7 years ago
Aug 29, 2017, 2:05:11 PM

This is the one where systems are absorbed once you wrap them in your own influence zones?

It is a strong affect.

Having a counter to it would be nice alternative to irradicating the tech...

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7 years ago
May 7, 2018, 1:31:58 AM
Mordachai wrote:

This is the one where systems are absorbed once you wrap them in your own influence zones?

It is a strong affect.

Having a counter to it would be nice alternative to irradicating the tech...


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