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Techs with tier 1 and tier 2 (like titanium weapons) new proposal


8 years ago
Nov 22, 2016, 11:09:02 AM


First say that this proposal is assuming that new tech tree won't have links between techs, or at least this links won't be very hard. As we'll have to wait, there's the idea.

Actually there's a problem with techs that have tier 1 in era 1 and tier 2 in era 2. Everyone knows the case of titanium and Hyperium weapons, which is inherited from EL.

Basically lots of people (included me) are skipping the era I tech, in one side to avoid in¡creasing other techs costs, and in the other you can get tier 1 without tier 1, thus having time to research other things. Of course not everyone is doing this, but from what I read in the forums, it seems very common.

In EL also there was the tier 3 tech unlocked through quests, which may seem bit unbalanced.

In actual ES2 it had been extended to probes tech, which for some reason you should be able to skip tier 1 (I think I didn't because its linked to colonization, but don't remember ATM).

I use this two models to make two propositions:

Titanium techs:

My idea to alleviate the actual issue if dependencies are not included, is giving bonus for getting both tier 1 and 2.

Basically Era I tech unlocks titanium tier 1, Era II tech unlocks titanium tier 2 weapons/armor, and having both unlocks tier 3.

This way you have a reason to research both, makes less unbalanced the way to achieve tier 3, and maintain the flexibility wanted with actual system.

Probes techs:

To maintain the objectives of flexibility and making all tiers interesting, my idea is to assign a level to each curiosity and make all techs increase tour curiosity level in a progressive way. This is: Tier 1: +1,  Tier 2: +2, tier 3: +3 and so on. You start with  level 1, and then increase through techs.

Each curiosity has a level to be discovered, like now, but tweaked according to this system.

This way you can have a curiosity lvl 2, and if you want skip tier 1, as in tier 2 you'll get a +2 to your level, granting a lvl 3. but if you want to research a curiosity lvl 6 you'll have to research all tier 1, 2 and 3.

This way allows you to skip one tech, without making all them mandatory, except if you need to investigate a very high level curiosity.


I hope if this is not implemented this way, at least gives some ideas on how to solve the actual problem with this 2 tiers techs.

Other solutions will be welcome, so don't hesitate on posting them.

Thanks for reading!

Updated 2 days ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 22, 2016, 1:45:00 PM
ValhallasAshes wrote:

You may find this idea interesting.  It has the same goal of diversifying ship module characteristics to incentivize researching both.  But as with the orbital system defenses idea, it's just a different approach.  Have a look and let me know your thoughts.


Interesting. I think and post the same about actual adamantian and antimatter modules.

I like the idea of mixed modules unlocked when having both techs.

Still I was looking to suggest some solution to the issue with titanium/hyperium (galasstell) inherited from EL. this was posted long before ES2 was mentioned in EL forums.

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