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Make a button to autoupgrade planet specializations

GUISystem Management

8 years ago
Apr 10, 2017, 6:27:09 PM


Just noticed, when I research a tier II planet specialization, the ones I have build from its same tier I don't autoupgrade.

As I understand why (also think it should have a cost) this is this way and suspect this is not a bug, I think looking one by one all you planets is tedious.

can you put an autoupgrade button in system management screen to make our lives easier?


Updated 16 days ago.
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8 years ago
Apr 11, 2017, 4:22:24 PM

huh.  they must have changed this in update 3.  Previously the tier 2 was immediately implemented.  

It is indeed annoying to queue up specialization upgrade in every system, even from the systems page.  However, how would the autoupgrade work?  Would it put the planets first in the queue on every applicable system, or would it go at the end of the queue.  What if an infinite production item were in the queue?  Could it possibly put the upgrade in the last slot before any infinite queue item?

Well, something better than nothing, so I hope this gets implemented.

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8 years ago
Apr 12, 2017, 9:01:25 PM

What happens if you don't have enough resources to do the auto-upgrade empire wide?

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8 years ago
Apr 13, 2017, 8:06:33 AM
Serpicos wrote:

What happens if you don't have enough resources to do the auto-upgrade empire wide?

Och! Didn't think about this. but in this case you can have the button shadowed until you got enough resource.

Also consider that planet specialisations are build via system industry and doesn't require any strategic/luxury, so you can queue all of them. The exception is if you want to buy with dust, but in this case, just put the buy all button shadowed until you have enough dust. to add to this, most of them can be build in one turn, and probably won't crush your global strategy, only by this delay.

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8 years ago
Apr 14, 2017, 12:18:20 PM

On the current internal build, it seems that all existing Planetary Specializations are upgraded between turns if better versions are available, so it is all up to date on the start of the next turn.  I'm not sure about the public version but I thought it was the same.

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8 years ago
Apr 20, 2017, 8:00:48 AM

I thought so, and really it was like this before update 3. I spotted this after last patch (think 0.3.4). Not sure if this wasn't a bug, if this is the case, please move this to bug section.


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