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List of explored Systems

System ManagementScreenGUIEconomy

8 years ago
Apr 15, 2017, 6:33:12 PM

Please add a list of all explored systems. 

Make each entry clickable so you zoom to this system by clicking on its name

By hovering over a planet a tooltip with all the fidsi Information could appear

I am thinking about something like this (only more polished and shiny)

System NamePlanet 1Planet 2Planet 3Planet 4
SolEarth (Terran)
Venus (Ash)Jupiter (Gas Giant)...
Updated 6 days ago.
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7 years ago
May 1, 2018, 2:44:48 PM

I need this so bad and can't understand why it is not in the game. Master of Orion 2 had this in 1996.

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6 years ago
Jan 28, 2019, 8:34:06 PM

+1 to what "moo" said.

I cannot believe that I'm playing "galaxy scroll and zoom simulator 2019" when Master of Orion 2 had a Planets tab in 1996!

I'm SHOCKED that Endless Space 2 doesn't have a convenient way to summarize the list of explored planets so I can plan my research and colony ships.

Please get to this, devs!

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5 years ago
Apr 7, 2020, 4:49:12 AM

Sorry to look be that necromancer but I just got thegame recently.

If there is going to be another update for the game then I would really love to see this

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