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Farcaster type Technology


8 years ago
Apr 18, 2017, 10:36:36 PM

I have been reading the Hyperion series lately and I thought it would be pretty cool for a late game tech kind of like the Farcaster. You can build an exorbitantly expensive Farcaster portal on any world and you get instantaneous travel between those systems that have it. 

What I am not sure is how to balance such a technology. It would give an unfair advantage. Suggestions?


After playing a few games. namely the last one where I was lumeris, quite peaceful. But then all the sudden United Empire declares war on me. His borders are like 13 turns away from me through 2 other factions that I am cool with.  Some kind of late game teleportation tech would be nice. in general. Like the connected wormholes in ES1.

Updated 5 days ago.
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8 years ago
Apr 19, 2017, 8:11:08 PM

Maybe these portals require that portal end point systems have all connect systems be owned by the user, limiting the ability to move ships directly to the frontline, but a couple of turns away.

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8 years ago
Apr 19, 2017, 9:30:04 PM

Yeah for sure. Both systems have to have a portal. The cost of using it can be some kind of effect on the population. Or... kind of like in EL, if you get started next to the Kezanji you get some serious advantage if you assimilate them early :P. Perhaps a minor faction that is AI that "shares" this tech with you, but the more you use it, the more of you pop gets converted to AI pops. Eventually if you over use the farcasters you're whole civ get converted into the technocore :P

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