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8 years ago
Apr 19, 2017, 3:01:12 PM

Dear friends, what do you think about your Homeworld?
It’s a first seed of interstellar empire, mirror of your decisions and diplomatic center of your civilization. For my opinion it will be awesome and wonderful to see how your capital planet evolve, changing with every step, with every new tech, with every new era. What do you think when you see how your first small planet changes on your eyes into hi-tech heaven, fortified bastion,  industrial center or even big shiny hive with million bugs flying around?
Here's what I suggest: 

-       Introducing the importance of capital planet (Homeworld)

-       Changing the look of planet according to the race, unlocked technologies, amount of people, etc.

-       Advanced view on capital planet (zoomed)

-       Special animations and visualization on few big racial technologies, special events, etc.

If you have read it to the end, then I'm very grateful for your attention. Have a nice day to you, dear astronauts, fleet commanders, diplomatic leaders and Dust seekers.

Updated 5 days ago.
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8 years ago
Apr 21, 2017, 12:36:43 AM

Of course I will. Thank you for your attention!

Saerphantos wrote:

If you please, check my ideas about intra\foreign politics rounds

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8 years ago
Apr 21, 2017, 9:14:16 AM

Upvoted. But what about Arks?

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