
Asked this for EL, and as release is getting closer, I want to ask for this in ES2. Of course if this is implemented I understand it will be after release as DLC / update.

My idea was to give the player an option in new game settings to make research random (something I enjoyed a lot in SMAC).

To make this more personal I suggest to give player 4 options:

  • Normal: Just like this is now.
  • By area: Each time a tech is researched, you pick in which area you want to research (I'm of course referring to one of four quadrants) the next tech, but not an specific tech, and you'll get a tech from this quadrant. This allows partial control, to at least reach some stage or multiple try in same quadrant until you get what you want. To avoid unwanted things, if an exclusive techs is researched, once you get the tech you'll be offered to switch to the other  exclusive option (to say when you get titanium armor, you are asked if you instead want hyperium).
  • Balanced: You get random techs, but the computer will try to balance all quadrants, being all of them into similar stage. If exclusive techs are researched you'll be offered to switch as in previous option.
  • Totally random: as this is. You choose nothing.

As I understand that not everyone will like this, I propose to put this as options. When asked in EL two downsides were highlighted:

  • Being bad lucky when playing higher difficulties.
  • In multiplayer this can favor most lucky players.

Think both are solved by making this an option. If you pick this on endless difficulty its at your own risk, and about MP this will be solved by having same options for all players in the game, so you choose if you want to participate or not.

Hope you like the idea. Bye!