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Civilization Progression on Planets

System Management

8 years ago
Nov 23, 2016, 11:42:57 AM

It would be really cool if when you zoomed into a planet, you could see how your decisions are affecting the planet you are colonizing. For example, if you had an Ecologist Party in power on a Lumeris planet, it would be really cool if when you zoomed into a planet, you saw your Lumeris civilization from different stages, early development, middle, and late development, with huge skyscrapers and crystal blue waterfalls. If you had an Industrial party in power, when you zoomed in it would look like Los Angeles, lots of skyscrapers, no trees in sight, pollution filling the air. I understand it would take a lot of resources to implement this in the game, but it would add a lot being able to see your civilization develop.

Updated 15 days ago.
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The GREENLIT status is given by the dev team to ideas they will really likely implement in the near future. Almost there!


DEV SpaceTroll

status updated 8 years ago

to a certain degree it will be the case in the game. you will see as populations grow on planets, more and more consequences of overpopulation, and technology.


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8 years ago
Nov 24, 2016, 10:53:24 AM

This seems like a pretty nice addition.

Though, zooming in that far is maybe a bit too much, it would be enough if there was more visible representation of "civilization progression", whether that be amount of pops or system level, on the planets.

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8 years ago
Nov 25, 2016, 9:31:01 AM

From what I know, you can already zoom into a planet to see the ground and the wildlife. My idea would be an expansion on that, adding more variety. However, it could be argued that art can portray progression much better. All I wish is that you could visually see how your choices are affecting your planets.

Updated 8 years ago.
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The GREENLIT status is given by the dev team to ideas they will really likely implement in the near future. Almost there!


DEV SpaceTroll

status updated 8 years ago

to a certain degree it will be the case in the game. you will see as populations grow on planets, more and more consequences of overpopulation, and technology.

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8 years ago
Mar 23, 2017, 5:21:58 PM

A really cool Idea! Better than mine i would say ;D Would really love something like this in-game!

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4 years ago
Sep 9, 2021, 8:44:05 AM
Great idea! 
I would like to add something. I would be amazing to see a small video clip when ever we install a new planet building. For example, a cut scene shows ships moving into and out of the interplanetary gates. A cut scene (skip able) for all the buildings would be amazing.
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