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Include Minor Faction Ships for Custom Factions

Ship DesignMinor FactionsMajor FactionsFactions

8 years ago
May 16, 2017, 7:59:50 PM

If you have not considered this already, I would like to suggest that Custom Factions should be able to use Minor Faction ship models as well as the existing Major Factions' ship models.

This would bring great diversity and versatility to the game, giving the player the choice to have Minor Faction ship models. These would include the Primitive, Technologist, Scavenger and Eusocial ship models.

Hopefully this has already been considered, but if not then hopefully this can be added to the game!

EDIT: So the faction ship appearence is tied to other appearences like the Leader Models etc. Maybe in the future the faction appearence can be split into Ship Appearence and Leader Appearence.

Updated 12 days ago.
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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

Making minor faction ships available for custom factions is not feasible as they are missing too many components (several hull types, a leader portrait, and a main quest.)


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7 years ago
Sep 20, 2017, 11:11:05 PM

It would be great if those ships models would be avalible for custom factions!

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7 years ago
Nov 17, 2017, 4:12:11 PM

I believe this could be a worthwhile addition to the game if each minor faction instead had one unit they could add to your list of available ships, like how they were handled in Endless Legend, rather than make an addition that would quite literally take a rework of the tech tree in order to introduce, and might as well be classed as a whole new civilization.

On the same topic of ships, I believe it would be great if the dev team made the ships available in the market able to be edited and retrofitted when bought, because they become obsolete rather quickly, and are quite useless.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Nov 18, 2017, 10:43:01 PM
Shagmeister wrote:

I believe this could be a worthwhile addition to the game if each minor faction instead had one unit they could add to your list of available ships, like how they were handled in Endless Legend, rather than make an addition that would quite literally take a rework of the tech tree in order to introduce, and might as well be classed as a whole new civilization.

On the same topic of ships, I believe it would be great if the dev team made the ships available in the market able to be edited and retrofitted when bought, because they become obsolete rather quickly, and are quite useless.

That would also be a great feature, I just personally would like to use the Minor Faction models for my custom factions. The problem with that is that there aren't models for every type of ship.

Being able to upgrade market ships really should be a feature, I have never used them for that very reason.

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7 years ago
Nov 21, 2017, 6:01:28 AM

I can see how this is problematic for the Devs as this would mean either new hull types, or tens of new ship designs. 

What about minor factions rather not just give you an ability, but also special weapon modules? The more peaceful minor factions give you defense or support modules, and the more aggressive/industrial ones unique or improved weapon modules? This way the devs are spared a hell of a lot of difficulty, and we still get to customise ships based on our minor factions. 

Don't get me wrong, unique ships for each minor faction would still be better. I just think this is a nice middle-ground. 

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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

Making minor faction ships available for custom factions is not feasible as they are missing too many components (several hull types, a leader portrait, and a main quest.)

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