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Give Biophobic population bonus

System ManagementPopulationMajor FactionsEconomy

8 years ago
May 23, 2017, 2:16:48 PM

I like the idea of the Riftborn having an inverted colonization tree and happiness response compared to all other factions, liking sterile planets and hating fertile ones.

However, I believe that at the moment, they can't use their (also inverted) terraforming much, since making the planets less habitable might make the population happier, but will decrease their numbers in return. Late-game, when the terraforming tech becomes available, the high number of improvements giving bonuses per unit of population mean that an extra population slot is a lot more valuable than the slightly increased gain of science/industry by terraforming the planet.

Therefore, I suggest to give the Riftborn, either as trait or affinity, a bonus of +1 or +2 population slots on Sterile planets, and conversely -1 or -2 population slots on Fertile.

Updated 11 days ago.
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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

Riftborn can now research ways to raise their population cap on Sterile planets.


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7 years ago
Aug 27, 2017, 10:42:46 AM

Now that the latest patch has changed how happiness works on planets, there's no reason Biophobic isn't a population bonus.

The Biophobic trait (the Riftobrn posess this) is an Faction Trait that grants + 10 happiness per pop on Sterile and -2 happiness per pop on Fertile for all pops in the empire.

The Euphorist trait (I believe one of the minor races has this) is a population bonus that grants +4 happiness on Fertile.

Biophobic  should not be a Faction Trait, it should be a population bonus. This would make much more sense, particularly for when shuffling pops around in a Riftborn empire. Right now it's rather jarring for the Riftborn to love Lava planets when you play as the Riftborn empire, but captured Riftborn love Terran worlds. This is completely different to every other faction - Sophons love cold worlds, whether they're captured pops or you're playing Sophons.

It also gives them a much needed late-game buff, in that their minor-pops can make use of any captured Tier-0 worlds. 

Updated 7 years ago.
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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

Riftborn can now research ways to raise their population cap on Sterile planets.

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