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Ressource settings for galaxy generation : legendary start

Galaxy Generation

8 years ago
Nov 24, 2016, 2:45:48 PM

An option that would give all player excellent starting positions (higher chance of luxury/strategics in home system, higher chance of a 5 planet home system, more temperate planets in home system etc)

Often i end up in a home system with my capital planet and 2 gaz and 1 lava and i just restart the game (we also may need a restart button that would have the same effect as leaving and quick-starting the game accessible on the 1st turn)

Updated 6 days ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 25, 2016, 3:57:22 PM


I restart every single game if I do not have a 5 planet home system. Sometimes this requires restarting 20+ times. If I do not then I usually end up with 4-5 systems that are significantly more powerful than my home system, but because my home system was the most developed during the early game, it is the one that has the unique improvements, but even with the uniques my home system is not as strong as a 5 planet system with a full population.

A button that says "Home system has 5 planets" on the configuration screen, even if it gives it to all Major Factions would be welcome.

One thing that always did bug me was the randomness of your home system and how unbalanced it could be. If you get a bad home system on higher difficulty and did not find a very nice system right next to you then you were going to lose. I would suggest a "Strategic Balance" home system with your home planet, and then one of each planet tier, so each ERA you had a new planet type to unlock in your home system. Still randomize the anomalies and resources, but having planet balance would be nice. This could also help prevent the problems of you starting one one side of a galaxy next to a balanced opponent, and then on the other side the Cravers or Vodyani starting next to a Sophons that has a really bad system and no other nearby systems. The Cravers or Vodyani would quickly destroy the Sophons and then half half a galaxy to feast on while your jostling elbows with another faction on your side of the galaxy.

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