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Modify the system of capture of adverse system by making it more aggressive

MilitaryMajor FactionsDiplomacy

8 years ago
May 30, 2017, 3:40:24 PM

TL;DR: Modifying the pacific capture system while using influence points to create system uprisings and bring chaos to the enemy.


    Context :


    The “pacification” system of planetary systems kind of lack balance. They allow to pacify systems between allies or simply capturing territories rather easily while creating a “snowball” effect (capturing a system makes capturing the next easier).


The idea :



    Making pacification more complex and giving possibility to the faction about to lose the system to defend itself militarily or peacefully. Also transforming the pacification system into a weapon for the peaceful factions at war.


    How does it work :


    Unlockable via technology, the faction would be able to use it to make systems in it’s empire vicinity go into secession. This would cost a certain amount of influence points that would be calculated according to the happiness value of said system (high level of happiness = more expensive), to the system level, whether or not it has a governor...

    If the system is in the faction’s circle of influence, there would be a malus of happiness on the system (which would then lower the cost of secession), as well as a bonus on the opposing system’s production.

    Once the secession has started, the system would go into a state of conflict, and a turn countdown would be displayed before the annexation. The faction controlling the about to be annexed territory would be able to counter the annexation by buying back the system with influence, or by defeating the rebel forces and reconquering the territory. If the faction can’t achieve this by the end of the countdown, the system goes to the opposing faction. This could work even if both factions are at war.

Updated 5 days ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 5, 2017, 7:09:21 PM


I agree. Influence ought to play a bigger role as a controllable and manipulable weapon. Not only in bonuses simulating the increased morale on our side but in also diminishing those bonuses for the other systems within our radius of influence as propaganda effects. Both together increases the contrast.

Devs left out the diplomatic victory. I think that's a mistake. I'd like to see more diplomacy and political intrigue, as well as spies, saboteurs and more psychological aspects simulated in general.



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