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8 years ago
May 30, 2017, 9:56:17 PM

In Endless Legend, I greatly enjoyed the Forgotten quest line. It was very focused on the Heroes, if only because the faction was reliant on Heroes for its primary mechanics, being the espionage faction. But it let me get to know my Heroes as characters instead of just pawns with names and faces, even beyond the backstories provided for every hero.

As such, I suggest a bit of a doozy; Hero Quests. These would be tied to a particular Hero or Hero type, much like Population Quests are tied to a Population type. Quests could be as narrow or generalized as the devs need; they could be tailored to each individual Hero and their backstory, or generalized to particular Races or Classes- with Technologist, Primitive, and Scavenger being treated like Races here.

These quests would allow us to invest in a Hero beyond just assigning them to our highest Industry system to crank out ships for a while, with either a Governor or Admiralty objective for each quest; the Governor option provides a new Governor ability, while the Admiralty provides a new Admiralty ability and more ship slots.

This way we can get some additional story in the present, with recognizable character-centric stories, instead of just the sweeping Histories of our empires and the Endless.

Updated 4 days ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 2, 2017, 12:46:20 PM

I like this a lot and had a similar idea as well. It combines Hero Quests with specific Hero Only Modules. For example Hero X lost his ship in a battle before, you are to search the destroyed vessel and recover what is possible. (Maybe spend Science or Industry to research/rebuild what you recovered). You could then get to choose between a specific Module for example a Unique (maybe even named) Laser Module (Lightning Betty) that has a higher fire rate than normal Laser Modules, but can only shoot in Phase 1 and 2 of the fight due to overheating.

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8 years ago
Jun 2, 2017, 1:04:51 PM

It would take a lot of work to make quests for all heroes but even if only a few heroes have quests or even quest-chains that would be great!

Endess Legend already had a DLC pack with Minor Faction quests, I wouldn't be against buying one for ES2 if the price/content is good.

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8 years ago
Jun 2, 2017, 4:04:40 PM

I would really like this as well. So far the heroes just feel all the same but with different pictures. Adding some sort of specific hero quest to them would really make things different.

It could be something so simple like different quest lines for the four categories of heroes:





And then they could also make certain "unique" heroes have their own special questlines. 

In general though I feel they need to work on the heroes to make them more unique. 

Updated 8 years ago.
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6 years ago
Sep 16, 2019, 6:52:43 PM

I was going to post the same idea for having quests for individual heroes. It would expand the lore and backstories of all the races massively. They dont need to be long quests, they only need to have 2 or 3 parts. 

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