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Unique Planet Quests


8 years ago
Jun 1, 2017, 6:35:26 PM

One of my favorite parts of ES2 are the unique planets. They add so much to the game -- history, design character, strategic advantages, so let's make them EVEN BETTER. I really think each planet deserves it's own personal quest associated with colonizing it. It would provide further incentive beyond a FIDSI bonus to colonize the system and -- what I'd be most excited about -- it could really expand on the lore so much! 

I already covet these planets, but if I could terraform Auriga back to it's original state and dig up old relics from EL factions -- WHAT?! That would be incredible. I use this as an example as I've seen people on the forums discussing a similar set up in ES1. ES2 needs this too. You guys have already laid ground work for what the quests could be with the planet's background description, let's flesh it out! Yo quiero mas historias! :D

Also, a tiny bit diverging from this topic (just a bit), but what if the unique planets had unique colonization cutscenes? I know the artists are super busy and some people don't even watch them, but I'm sure plenty of people are like me and find them a huge contributor to universe immersion.

Keep up the good work, Amplitude! Keep on inspiring us!

Updated a day ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 6, 2018, 12:10:25 AM

I too would like more Quests for certain planets, like what happened to Sahar, and what if you have Pilgrims in your Empire and you find the planet Tor (after all their whole mission is to discover Tor), etc, etc 

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7 years ago
Mar 6, 2018, 12:23:03 AM

100% agree. I feel like the deciding factor here is walking the fine line between concrete canon and game-by-game player-developed canon. I'm totally in support of the abstract approach Amplitude has taken, but I think a lot of these details regarding planet history is something that could be fleshed out further.

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