We've all been there b4, turns away from a science victory, and yet beaten to the punch by an economic victory by another faction.  I propose that there be a non-military way to stifle an imminent dust victory.

I am lacking for many specific ideas on how to achieve that end.  Anybody have one to contribute, beyond the one below?

This is one generated by a brief brainstorming:

  1. Dust decay/Depletion -- For all factions, by some quantum effect that spreads throughout the galaxy, the value of dust is decreased, such that it takes more to achieve the economic victory.  And perhaps it has other implications, like decreasing per turn dust generation, or causes heroes to demand higher salaries.  

This  could be triggered by quest, perhaps, an option for which could be triggered when someone is within 15 turns of economic victory, and which requires substantial contributions of all FIDSI in a queueable item.  

This investment could then result in a Dust Emergency that either prevents economic victory outright, or that institutes a higher threschold be in effect for 10/15 turns, and would not be stackable.  Once one achieves it, that's the limit of its effect, and can only be enacted once per game.  

Perhaps the achievement of this goal could be accomplished by teams of factions, which can be prompted via galactic diplomacy (similar to academy questline) to choose a team.  As such, alliance members can queue Dust Preservation queue item, to preserve the integrity of the galaxy's dust for their ally's victory.  This could be a negiotable item in diplomacy, to garner support for Dust decay/Depletion or for Dust Preservation.

This should also be toggled  'on/off' in game options in starting screen.