This is just a compilation of small UI suggestion to improve clarity. 


I would like to see a little indicator on my science screen to see which techs have been researched by someone i can currently trade research with or maybe just by people in my alliance. I can see what they got anyway by browsing diplomatic options.


I'd like to be able to see which routes belong to which trade companies and have a color coding for routes that connect to another empire via trade agreement in that empires color on the trade scan.


The FDSI breakup on systems could use one little addition in my opinion. 

Industry for example.

Contributions of buildings like Interplanetary Transport Network and AI Labor are not shown as i understand it.

+ X Industry on (Population Type) through improvements.

Would be a nice addition in my opinion.


I find the Victory Screen hard to read. It could use some empire colored pillars or lines that extend from the middle towards the outer border of the hexagon whereas reaching the outline means victory. Here is a example.

I'm sorry for the poor paint job.