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Improve battle cards

MilitarySpace Battles

8 years ago
Jun 4, 2017, 6:30:39 PM

Am I the only one who thinks the cards should be more colorful and easy? When I get new cards I take a sigh and think "I need to read the cards carefully and think about their super especific efects".

All cards look the same visually, and could  have different colors to identify their utility more easily. Also, if  they are more "cool", players will be more excited about using and  getting new cards. It sounds silly, but anything that adds interest to  combat is deeply appreciated in the game.

In addition, I  think the cards give very specific bonuses, such as "+ 70% shield  power". I think they should have more generic effects, like "+ 5% max  life" or "+ 20% defense". Because the cards use TWO mecanics: The distance of the ships and the bonus itself. If both are very circumstantial, using a card becomes more a game of chance than something strategic.

This change can have positive effects in late game, when you play many battles and do not want to be all the time reading and thinking.
Simple cards to read and understand are important.

To complement this, Tempted has an IDEA so that the effects of battle cards are less "numerical" and have more creative effects.

Updated 2 months ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 5, 2017, 6:11:00 AM

Agreed. I was looking at the background of the cards for a while in hope to find soemthing inspiring - an image perhaps that looks awesome and gives some feel to the tactis but all I see is generic explosionas and blurs.

I really do not like the wireframe symbols for ships on hte galxay map as it makes the visually most interesting piece of the game less interesting - these wireframe models should be used here as backdrops or instead of those arrows. Frankly, I never pay attention to the arrows, as compatibility wit hteh weapons type is much more important

Like you said: if it gives 70! to shields, I do not care if it is not range copatible, and even so: the arrows are not the best place to look, but the tactical map iteslf due to the selection of the card gives there a much better fedback then trying to decide based on the arows on the card

So yeah: pritty things, badasss symbol, maybe get rid of the arrows as well, and for the lov of the space cruiser, display some ships in a space battlefleet tactic :)

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8 years ago
Jun 8, 2017, 4:33:02 AM

Upvoted. And of course a Horatio would be concerned with aesthetics.

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7 years ago
Feb 1, 2018, 2:59:12 PM

To complement this, Tempted has an IDEA so that the effects of battle cards are less "numerical" and have more creative effects.

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7 years ago
Mar 12, 2018, 5:10:34 PM

Hello minurominerwin! i just find your idea trough the Battle cards (again) section and i'd like to say some very important feedback to your idea. 

After thinking a bit more on how a idea like yours could be implemented, i thought that the concept of your idea, is, indeed, pretty good. I believe your idea of making battle cards having flat bonueses (all of them) is very good because, there are some battle cards in game that DOES have flat bonueses. like, 55% extra armor... 25% extra XP, and 75% shield strenght. Personally, while playing the game, i found those initial cards i get (in wich i believe, should be the last) to be far, far FAR more usefull  than the rest of the battle cards i've seen. Because most battle cards become obsolete when compared to these flat damage bonueses battle cards. 

Look an example: there is a battle card that gives extra damage per enemy ship in the enemy fleet. about 2% damage. 

The downside of this tatic is that, as you progress trough the game, you learn that it compensates far much more to create higher tier ships if compared to lower tier ships, because there is a cycle of strenght in game, that functions over "comenpensation" and behaves like this: Carrier > Medium ships > Small ships. This means it compensates far much more to create a carrier instead of a medium ship once you get enough research points to research a Carrier. 

Because of this, in late game most people would tend to have few ships but have high CP , because it compensates a lot to build bigger ships if compared to small ships. This render tatics like that useless, because or you will get a small bonus in early game of damage that is nearly to insignificant, or you will get no bonus at all because most enemy fleets will be filled whit higher tier and efficient ships that are not small and useless in late game like the small ships. 

The problem is, most battle cards in game HAVE this flaw. they become obsolete when compared to flat bonueses card, like XP, raw armor, or extra shields. because of that, i only use those cards, and i dont use any other card too. 

But after thinking a bit even further, i realized you also need to give some kind of upgrade in your idea so it feels better. For example, if you plan to add flat damage bonueses for your cards, you better do something like this: 

  • You need to replace all the current cards in game researchble over the tech tree (at least) whit new flat damage bonueses. some battle cards will have different effects, while others would be simply "Upgrades" of the previous version. Also, you need to rethink previous battle cards. they are too powerfull to start whit. probabilly make the post op analyzes battle card something like tier 3 grade where you can research it, and bring some very very very crap battle cards to start whit so you feel like you need more battle cards as you progress trough the game.
  • Think of every battle card possible revelaled in the tech tree. What upgrades could they have? if you could change their bonueses, what would they be? Also, in order to start this, place some battle cards in each of the sections (i believe the one you get shields and the one you get armor) to have battle cards whit flat damage bonueses like extra shield % or extra armor %. Also, think a little bit in the amount of extra shield and armor % each battle card should give. I believe about 15% or 20% should be a good amount per upgrade, it could make things balanced and make it have some sort of joy in upgrading your battle cards as you research new techs. (Personally i believe 20% would be awesome)
  • Think of it as an upgrading system. Every higher tier, you upgrade a card. Upgrade, upgrade UPGRADE!!! UPGRADE THEM ALL!!! *-* 

I hope this idea can help you to develop your project even further! :)

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7 years ago
Mar 12, 2018, 5:30:18 PM

Wow. Fuck me, and fuck my idea. I give it to you. You are more worthy of it.

Really thanks for your feedback. Im glad of that you like my suggestion and that you have invested so much time in answering me. Unfortunately, I have not played the game for a long time (I'm somewhat disgusted with the company and the community). Later maybe I will devote time to ideas, although I do not know why, if they are going to cancel them...

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7 years ago
Mar 16, 2018, 5:01:08 PM

IMO we need to be able to use more than one card at a time and then changing cards should be gradual so there is a continuation to your card startagey that you can only slowly shift instead of instantly and compeltley changing the strategy of your entire fleet...

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7 years ago
Mar 16, 2018, 11:04:39 PM

I'd like to see Endless Space 1 battle mechanics return!!!!!

Endless Space 1 atleast had three phases of combat you can predict, and place combat cards on. ALSO, your formation, you had a battle card for youor formation... 

ES2 is supposed to be an improvement to ES1, yet, instead of improving it, they took it a step backwards, and now, going into a battle, you choose ONE card and that's all? For the entire fight, which still seems to have 3 phases to it... 

I do like how the formation set up is Improved for ES2, instead of choosing the card, you simply select the formation type, and even custom place your ships upon either Flotilla using the Advanced Tactics option from the initial battle screen! 

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 15, 2018, 11:40:32 AM

I'm not sure that flat bonuses to all cards is the best way to go, but it would be an improvement to have it on some of them, so there is clearly a better option than the hull plating and shield bonus cards later on. They have tried to do some cool stuff with some of the higher tier cards, such as the one about civilian ships (sadly totally useless). I don't find the +15 dust to be very exciting either.

I am okay with the way the battle system works on the whole, mixing different flotillas to try and counter the expected range of the enemy, but really, I just use the cards for their range options and their actual effects are secondary. 

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