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Add the Dust Collective so we can get a temperate based minor faction

PopulationMinor FactionsFactions

8 years ago
Jun 6, 2017, 9:10:06 AM

Right now, I don't see any minor factions that gain a bonus for temperate planets, while every other planet type does. This strikes me as a wasted opportunity, so I'm proposing that we add the Dust Collective as a minor faction whose population gives out a dust bonus for being on a temperate planet. The original concept for them seemed to be a subversive/peaceful faction with obvious economic gameplay, which I feel has became a Lumeris thing. The ARG revealed that they still exist, so adding them wouldn't shift the setting that much. Humans being average is a pretty common science fiction cliche (that I despise but whatever) which would go well with them being adapted to "just right" planets. Another reason to add them is that both the Religious and Pacifist groups are short of one minor faction, this would balance the lists back in check.

Updated 3 months ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 7, 2017, 4:53:22 PM

I think the Dust Collective has more thn just human members. Regardless, it would be great to see more ES1 factions make a comeback.

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8 years ago
Jun 13, 2017, 6:51:19 PM

I don't remember any Dust collective. Are they from ES1 ? I don't know why but it remind me Cerberus from Mass effect. probably nothing related. 

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