As I am pretty sure the devs have already something in mind about implementing this feature, here is a smooth integration proposal.
Why 'smooth'? Because the main idea behind this proposal is to not alter the actual system, which I think is great and very interesting.
Here it is :
1) General
- Fighter / Bomber would be available via a dedicated weapon module
- There would be two types of module : a Fighter one and a Bomber one
- Carrier ship would give a +X% weapon damage on Fighter/Bomber module
- Fighter / Bomber combat would happen on a 'per row' basis
- All Fighter modules would contribute to the Fighter squad's flottila
- Same for Bomber modules
- Kinetic weapon would have a chance to hit them (like they have for the missile)
- Some tactics would give some bonuses to Fighters and/or Bombers
- Some tactics would give some flak bonuses against Fighters and Bombers
2) Fighters
- Fighter would have a dual defensive/offensive role (a little like the kinetic weapon)
- [Offensive] If there is no Fighter/Bomber in the ennemi flottila (in the same row), the Fighter squads would attack the ennemy ships (focused target)
- [Defensive] If there is some Fighter/Bomber squads in the ennemi flottila (in the same row), the Fighter squads would attack them
- Targeting priorities : Fighters>Bombers>Ships
- Fighters would have a high accuracy against other Fighters or Bombers
- Fighters would have decent damage
- Fighters would ignore shield and hull plating defenses (weak points targeting)
3) Bombers
- Bombers would have a pure offensive role
- Bombers would have high lethal damage
- Bombers would ignore shield and hull plating defenses (weak points targeting)
4) Sequence
- Fighters/Bombers squad would be deployed during introduction phase
- Squads would travel to combat theatre during the begining of the first phase
- Combat theatre would be in the middle space between ennemi flottila in case of Fighter vs Fighter squad dogfight
- Bomber would reach and swarm their target, but would be pursued by Fighters (if any and if they have no escort)
- Once their target destroyed (or if no target in their row) the squadrons would attack the adjacent row, respecting their targeting priorities
I think that's it. I hope I have forgotten nothing. In my mind this kind of implementation would have the advantage to stay very simple by keeping the existing system rules. The biggest challenge would be for the animation team I guess.
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