Slugs, lasers, missiles, and beams do not provide enough weapon/strategic diversity. Here are some ideas for new weapons that could fall under the current kinetic and energy categories:
Railgun - A medium range variant of slugs with a longer RoF.
Visual: Cannon-like kinetic weapon
Long: 75%
Medium: 100%
Short: 75%
Perk: 10% base crit chance
RoF: Similar to lasers but slower
Rockets - A short range variant of missiles.
Visual: Unguided missiles that travel in a straight line
Long: 0%
Medium: 80%
Short: 100%
Perk: 25% rocket health
RoF: Similar to missiles but faster
Boarding Pods - Short range only kinetic weapon
Visual: Large pods fired from tube-like turrets
Long: 0%
Medium: 0%
Short: 100%
Perk: Bonus manpower or deals additional crew damage
RoF: Similar to beams
Plasma - Long range energy weapon
Visual: Balls of explosive energy
Long: 100%
Medium: 80%
Short: 0%
Perk: 5% Flotilla damage
RoF: Similar to missiles
Pulse - Short range energy variant of slugs (could counter plasma instead)
Visual: Lighter variant of lasers with longer beams of energy
Long: 80%
Medium: 100%
Short: 100%
Perk: Increased damage at short range
RoF: Similar to slugs
Arc - Medium range energy weapon
Visual: Electric weapon
Long: 0%
Medium: 100%
Short: 80%
RoF: Similar to beams
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