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8 years ago
Jun 9, 2017, 2:43:03 AM

One thing that kinda bugs me is that a hero only has 3 skill trees and they can feel extremely similar. 

What I proposed is adding a 4th tree thats is based upon the political inclination of the hero, so a military hero not only can be a good govenor, but with the militarist tree he can be an even better fleet commander or builder/general. 

This would make a faction with more than one of the same type of hero seem all the more different if they are scientist vs a pacifist.

It would also make the minor faction heroes potentially not feel like carbon copies of each other sometimes. 

So as I suggested 4 Skill Trees

1 Skill Tree for the General skills

1 Skill Tree for the Heroes class skills

1 Skill Tree for the Faction Unique skills

and finally one more tree for the political inclination of the hero with a large capstone skill that applies only in the case that that hero leads in the Government(Maybe)

Updated 2 days ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 9, 2017, 2:57:03 PM

I also like this idea. Heroes need a modifier to their system anyway and this offers to allow heros to be even more specialized.

The branch could contain a few more nodes dealing with being a political leader (as those are in short supply) along with other appropriate traits.

It could be balanced with the current system by giving a hero 2 skill points to use every 3-5 levels. Yes, that would give some power creep to heros, but everyone has access to this change and heros could already stand to be a more noticable game changer.

Updated 8 years ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 17, 2018, 2:55:56 AM

I would like to see every section in each trine (or proposed quadrant) contain at least 3 selectable skills with the final section only containing the capstone skill. We need more variety when leveling governors and admirals. ES1 had a decent amount of choice. ES2 feels very limited.

I would also like to see a governor be able to apply a portion of an admiral skill to all fleets orbiting the governor's star system, and vice versa for admirals with governor skills. I will explain:

  • Governor has skill with +20% Fleet Damage. This allows all fleets orbiting Governor's Star System to receive a portion (maybe 25% of the bonus or +5% Fleet Damage in this example)
  • Governor has +2 Movement on Fleet. All allied fleets moving through this star system gain 2 bonus movement points as they enter orbit (like a slingshot)
  • Governor has +40% Fleet Manpower Refill skill. Any fleet orbiting system refills manpower 10% faster
  • Admiral has +2 Food and +2 Industry per Population skill. While orbiting a Star System, the Hero grants the system +1 Food and Industry per Population
  • Admiral has +20 Happiness skill. While orbiting, Star System receives +10 Happiness from Hero

I like the conversion rate of roughly 25% for Governors to all fleets, with some exceptions (such as the movement rate example), as it makes the bonus not feel too abusable. Converting at 50% for Admirals to Star Systems feels good if you limit the effect to 1 orbiting Admiral per star system to avoid overstacking issues.

Well. Good luck.

Updated 7 years ago.
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