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Less Habitable Nodes, More Special Ones

System ManagementGalaxy GenerationExploration

8 years ago
Nov 25, 2016, 11:26:31 PM

Currently, at least 90% of nodes seem to involve habitable planets. This significantly limits exploration. I would like to see the number of habitable nodes reduced drastically - to a maximum of 50%.

What this does:

- Makes habitable systems more valuable

- Allows for larger maps before micromanagement gets out of control

- Allows for the possibility of neutral spaces past early game

- A more interesting galaxy (habitable nodes are necessary, but not always the most interesting)

- Most importantly, allows for more exploration, and expands how long exploration can occur.

I find that the most interesting parts of many 4X games, including Endless Legend and Stellaris, involve the exploration. In both cases, this works because there is a significant amount of area to explore relative to each city / planet you own, whereas this is very limited currently in ES2. In ES2, exploration also tends to peter out very quickly, as space is quickly partitioned off by rival empires. 

This also makes it easier to expand the game with new features. Hostile guardians, constructs, aliens, space monsters, or pirates? Have their home be in a non-habitable node. Want to add dangerous regions that are only profitable to explore or settle in mid game? This works much better under this system.

Of course, this would require more current types of non-habitable nodes. Right now only asteroid fields exist, but future additions could include wormholes, black holes, pulsars, rogue planets, stars with no planets, stations/constructs, anomalies, etc. Even the non-connected nodes with habitable planets are more interesting than the standard ones, and I would certainly like to see more non-connected nodes of all varieties.

Updated 19 days ago.
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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

There's actually a galaxy generation setting that increases the number of special nodes (By a third, I believe.)


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8 years ago
Nov 26, 2016, 7:03:32 AM

Quite agree with more neutral nodes.

Expand asteroid field types, plasma, nebula etc.  These would be where some of the best battles of the game could take place.  Let players build orbital stations that seek to control chokepoints.  Large maps would have plenty of neutral nodes that stop clumping of empires and allow players to freely bypass controlled areas of space.  This is integral to game development, otherwise every player gats boxed in to early in the game.  Longer game modes would benefit from this implementation.  These areas would not be influence driven but rather military or commercial strongholds.  A living galaxy is composed of so much more than just planets.  Also we need more reasons to expand into areas where specific resources are. 

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8 years ago
Nov 29, 2016, 12:45:36 PM

Not in favor of it.

It's already terrible to chokepoint enemy fleets as is with the current defense mechanic. If there were even more useless nodes as there are now (50% are basically useless till era 3 anyway) you could hardly defend your systems properly.

I agree, however, that there could be a lot more anomalies to explore. For example, there could also be anomalies on asteroid fields. Or even the star of the system might have anomalies. Or you might have more disconnected hidden nodes that contain special anomalies, for example.

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8 years ago
Nov 30, 2016, 8:18:55 PM
mixerria wrote:

It's already terrible to chokepoint enemy fleets as is with the current defense mechanic. If there were even more useless nodes as there are now (50% are basically useless till era 3 anyway) you could hardly defend your systems properly.

My primary goal was to have more exploration - as you mention, this could also be done by increasing the amount of exploration per space, rather than by increasing the amount of space, or by making the majority of the new nodes 'unconnected' nodes, so they aren't going to mess up your chokepoints.

However, I don't particularly have an issue with the chokepoints - if anything, I feel that Endless Space has always been too much about chokepoints. In other games, in order to get rid of whackamole style hit and run attacks, there is often a speed bonus within your own territory. Would that fix your concerns about locking down enemy fleets? 

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8 years ago
Dec 2, 2016, 7:51:58 AM
EcthelionHelm wrote:
mixerria wrote:

It's already terrible to chokepoint enemy fleets as is with the current defense mechanic. If there were even more useless nodes as there are now (50% are basically useless till era 3 anyway) you could hardly defend your systems properly.

My primary goal was to have more exploration - as you mention, this could also be done by increasing the amount of exploration per space, rather than by increasing the amount of space, or by making the majority of the new nodes 'unconnected' nodes, so they aren't going to mess up your chokepoints.

However, I don't particularly have an issue with the chokepoints - if anything, I feel that Endless Space has always been too much about chokepoints. In other games, in order to get rid of whackamole style hit and run attacks, there is often a speed bonus within your own territory. Would that fix your concerns about locking down enemy fleets? 

Well, how about this idea: There could be 'hard' anomalies to check out which take 3-5 rounds to explore (like an expedition) while the exploring ship has to stay in the system. These 'hard' anomalies could give better results for example. 

Hmm, speedier ships in own territory would help, but it still doesn't feel exactly right. Having to do that 'catch' game at all is terribly frustrating (Although it, is, admittedly, to some degree pretty realistic which is good).

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Nice to have

The NICE TO HAVE status is given by the dev team to ideas they would like to have in the game.

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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

There's actually a galaxy generation setting that increases the number of special nodes (By a third, I believe.)

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