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Choosing the Political Ideology of your Custom Faction


8 years ago
Nov 26, 2016, 1:53:20 AM

I am really looking forward to the ability to create custom factions in this game. I made an incredible one for myself in Endless Space 1 and I want to replicate it as well as I can in Endless Space 2. The ability to pick different traits for one's custom faction still exists, and most likely, we will still have to pick a specific Major Faction's affinity as our own.

But say I want to make an empire that's good with ships. I give my empire Big Fleets, Fast Movement, and Diligent Workers, but I've used the Vodyani Affinity so I'm stuck with a Religious population even though one would think this empire would be more Industrialist. This is obviously a problem because I would have an empire who's laws don't reflect the empire's physical abilities.

So, when making our custom factions in Endless Space 2, can we have the ability to customize our own population's political ideology?

Each population I've seen in ES2 has 3 traits, and some of them have 4 now that the first patch has been released, that impact their political views. For example, the Cravers are Hawkish, Anti-Pacifist, Xenophobic, and now Anti-Environmentalist, the Vodyani are Spiritualist, Anti-Materialist, Fanatical, and also Wary, and so on. Can a system be put in place where we can pick those 3 or 4 traits ourselves when creating a custom empire?

Updated 6 days ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 28, 2016, 4:29:55 AM

Upon further reflection, I have an idea; since most of Amplitude's games have a faction creation system based on points, then the political ideologies of your faction could contribute to that point total like the other empire traits. That way, it could just be integrated straight into custom faction creation without needing to create a unique interface for it.

So, for example, the traits I listed above for the Vodyani are all part of the faction's point total, along with their Empire traits like Fearless Warriors 2, Legendary Heroes 2, and Fast Travellers 1. However, just like how you could swap out the Legendary Heroes 2 trait for the Big Fleets 2 trait, you can also swap out the Spiritualist population trait with the Makers population trait, or the Wary population trait for the Military Industrialist population trait.

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8 years ago
Feb 17, 2017, 7:20:18 AM

I like this idea. Being able to pick our starting political policy seems like a very important thing. 

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8 years ago
May 23, 2017, 9:39:01 PM

It looks like this idea of mine was to be included regardless since it's a part of the custom faction creator in the released game. Kudos Amplitude!

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