What the hell with anomalies ? It is not to grumble, but it is very strange...
Adoplégique life in a desert planet, or worst, lava ? A tree world on a steril planet ? It is absolutely illogical, and that makes very, very strange...
Balance all this and make it more immersif and logic would be more pleasant, I think.
- No Adoplégique life and coral reef : in desert, lava, ash, steril or gazeus planet.
- No Tree World : in lava, ash, steril or gazeus planet.
- No Acide rains : in steril or gazeus.
- No Dangerous Fauna : in lava, ash, steril, gazeus or artic.
- More sysmique and géothermique : in lava and ash.
- More Adoplegique life and coral reef : in terran, méditerraéean or océanique planet.
- More Mutant flora and dangerous fauna : in terran, toxique or forest planet.
They are just example : but I think that that already gives a good idea ?
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