I believe this would add a lot of replayability to the game, besides faction creation is a whole mini-game on its own.
My suggestion is to setup tabs displaying different information:
- Overview
- Population
- Aesthetics
- Traits
I'll explain the first three in more detail since Traits would only contain the sums and lists from the current custom faction creation view.
1. Overview
This tab could contain:
- Faction Name (and random name button)
- Faction Description
- Starting Planet (With custom name) (and random name button)
- Starting Planet Description
- Gameplay affinity
- Author
Many people won't fill the story aspects of the previous tab, but still it's a nice to have feature that adds value.
2. Population
All the data from the previous Population container of the custom faction creation window (name, icon, politics, bonuses)
Currently your population flavour text/description is set to your base population (if you're using cravers it talks about cravers: "Militarist insectoid devourers of planets...") it would be good if you could write this down, for more immersion.
It would be nice if you'd be able to select different bonuses for 10 pop, 20 pop and 50 pop.
3. Aesthetics
Currently faction creation is very limited by hero/quest affinity, for example if you want to make a religious faction, you'd be limited to those that offer quests involving religion (cravers & vodyani). It would also be good to get an overview of what are the technologies and ships that a certain visual affinity offers on this tab.
Any suggestion or comment is welcome.
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