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What if wars actually cost dust?


8 years ago
Jun 19, 2017, 2:51:15 PM

What if there was a per turn cost (dust, resources, happiness) to actually go to war with someone (that could increase either with a linear or exponential growth pattern.)

As it stands right now.  You can basically go to war with an AI and prolong the war almost indefinately with no draw backs.  There is no hit to happiness and when the AI actually wants to end the war, their terms are a joke (the in game mechanic of them giving the player like 45 dust a turn - really?).

As a tactician, this would certainly make you look at your finances before entering war with someone.

There should be some sort of Cost to War.

Updated a month ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 20, 2017, 9:37:03 AM

Maybe not dust, but I think some order of cost should be involved. At the very least you should be able to force treaties easier since they can be un-forced with influence.

There could be the current "winning" trend but also one-time surges in war weariness as a result of battles and invasions that end in one side retreating or being completely destroyed.

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8 years ago
Jun 20, 2017, 10:10:15 PM

War is already consuing a lot of ressource, especially if you are playing offensively. The upkeep of a big fleet is quite high. So, if a cost of war is added on top, there has to be a compensation somewhere else, like the tribute you receive when you win, which could be higher.

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