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Scanning Module (Probe Upgrade?)

Space BattlesShip DesignNotification systemMilitary

8 years ago
Jun 22, 2017, 3:47:13 AM

The fact that enemy ships can be viewed prior to combat makes things a little too easy to determine range to fight.

I propose that enemy armaments are hidden in the advanced combat screen.

A module could be researched that would allow for scanning of a single targeted "click" on the enemy ships that would allow you see the strengths and weaknesses of enemy ships, the weapons it uses and the range it fights best at.

Perhaps only to be installed on coordinator hulls?  Perhaps only one scan per coordinator ship?  (perhaps upgraded scan modules would allow for more than one "click" (2-3))

Wasn't Captain Kirk always scanning the ships to see what he was up against?

Updated 8 months ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 22, 2017, 8:38:33 AM

Great Idea and by the Way you can then add Modules for camouflage, that makes scanning of your Ships more difficult.

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8 years ago
Jul 6, 2017, 7:04:23 AM

I love this idea, as I have abused the knowledge that the AI is using exclusively beam weapons against me far too often!

Additionally, warfare is all about deception and intelligence and this would be a great way to implement that. The only suggestion I might make is that in terms of simplicity for the devs, maybe they could utilize the probe module as a scanning module. This way the explorer ships would still remain useful to the late gameplay (although they might need a hull upgrade in a later tech).

The targeted clicks that you mentioned could each resemble a probe being launched, with the amount of probes available being the amount of scanning available. And as rettim77 said you could have a special "camoflage" or "jammer" module to block the scans/probes to add a defense component.

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7 years ago
Sep 29, 2017, 1:58:04 AM

The OP and comments are very reasonable. For simplicity, I propose launching standard probes. The amount of information you recieve shall never be full, but you can increase it with respective hero's skills. They are already present, but need a buff anyway.

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