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6 Tiers Tech Tree


8 years ago
Jun 25, 2017, 9:16:22 AM

Well the idea itself is simple: Introduce a tier 6 for the tech tree. In most of my games I don t research Exa-Volt Beam Focus and Megarisk Containment and the research you need the materials for, because you simply win before they actually get usefull.  The same applies to the second stage of carrier ships. There are simply more usefull techs than those. If you d introduce a new tier to the tech tree and put some of the really game winning tech into this tear, but leave the mentioned techs in tear 5, I think it would help make the late game research more interesting.

Updated 3 days ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 30, 2017, 7:12:40 PM

I completely agree with this idea! I haven't understood why game winning tech was available at the same tier as resource extraction/utilization tech. In addition, I wouldn't mind bumping down all the resource extraction tech one era as well, as it seems odd that you can research techs that use the resource before you can even mine the resource.

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8 years ago
Jul 1, 2017, 1:46:21 PM
Eridanus wrote:

I completely agree with this idea! I haven't understood why game winning tech was available at the same tier as resource extraction/utilization tech. In addition, I wouldn't mind bumping down all the resource extraction tech one era as well, as it seems odd that you can research techs that use the resource before you can even mine the resource.

I thought about having like 4 of the recources on the same tier, but in different parts of the tech tree, but maybe that would be a bit to much of a change. :)

Updated 8 years ago.
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7 years ago
Nov 21, 2017, 5:31:11 PM

Well, since the Devs made the resource tech available in earlier stages, this idea, or at least the problem behind it is solved. Gj Devs :)

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