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8 years ago
Jun 30, 2017, 12:26:11 PM

Upd 26.10.17 - "Free-trader Union" stuff

Shadowmarket - an option to interact with illegal galactic organizations, developing and leading their actions against the background of the interaction of large empires.
Access to interaction is opened after studying the "impactless sites" and ... just look at the picture.

And now an explanation.

1)     Visual representation of illegal organizations:

"Slavedrivers" - organization engaged in the seizure, kidnapping and subsequent sale (or renting) of representatives of intelligent civilizations of the world "Endless".

"Scavengers" - organization is engaged in collecting rare forgotten technologies and stealing research data from empire laboratories.

"Mercenaries" - organization uniting all mercenaries, rogues, pirates of the world "Endless". They are engaged in predatory raids and provide for hire pirate fleets and military force for ground operations.

"Independent shipyards" - united management of all independent shipyards that provide services to shadow organizations.

So, "Slavedrivers", "Scavengers", "Mercenaries", "Independent shipyards" is just placeholders. In their place, there should be sonorous names, for example, instead of "mercenaries" - Galactic security agency "Black Dust Orchid", or for the place of "slavedrivers" the banal name "Crimson Raiders".

2) Different interactions with illegal organizations.


   2а) Interaction with "Slavedrivers" - As you can see, you can buy the population forever, hire for a while or sell your own (of course this will reduce the approval rating in the system from which the population was sold). It is also possible to sponsor a raid on the system of another empire or on a system of a minor civilization. Of course, the organization itself raids from time to time.


   2b) Interaction with "Scavengers" - They constantly steal research information from every empire and put it up for sale. Once in several (10?) turns, three banks of information for sale are put up. Information can be obsolete or useless, but still more often give an increase in science points. As information, there may be undiscovered curiosities in any system. You can also sponsor an expedition that with a small chance will be crowned with success and as a reward get a rare module or tactic card. Organization greatly increases its activity during the "Academy" quest.

   2c) Interaction with "Mercenary" - Everything is pretty obvious. Hiring fleets with mercenaries, ordering an attacking raid on another empire. Contract for system security - when paying this option, in the selected system, defence MP replaced by 2000 M(mercenaries)MP for a certain number of turns and for a specified fee in the course.

In the middle, the number indicating the total number of MMPs in the organization.

   2d) Interaction with "Independent shipyards" - organization builds ships for sale on the official market, sells  to mercenaries and minor civilizations. You can see the characteristics of the main ships produced, sponsor the construction (in a few moves 5 ships are being built - 2 for the customer and 3 ships go to the official market), to sponsor the improvement of available designs (as a bonus 1 ship gets the customer and 2 go to the market).

   2e) "Free-Traders Union" - The smugglers' union turned into a powerful organization supporting other illegal organizations. They are engaged in speculation in the official market and are struggling with the imperial trading companies.

Interaction with "Free-Traders Union" - organization deals with barter and economic espionage. The presence of agents in each trading company allows to harm trade after appropriate sponsorship. They also have a large merchant fleet, some of which can be rented.

     2f) "Heritage keepers" - hypocritical organization, whose purpose is to take to hand all the remains of ancient civilizations. Under their banner are gathered mainly religious fanatics but also many different kinds of criminals. In addition to what has already been said, they are engaged in the dissemination of their teachings that cause riots in major empires.

Interaction with "Heritage keepers" - organization deals with relics of eternal and very rare types of luxury. Followers can kindle uprisings in these systems. Attempts are available for an empire with an "academy" in its area of influence or having very good relations with this organization. Organization greatly increases its activity during the "Academy" quest.

It is worth mentioning that all actions have cool down and there is a huge amount of dust or luxury.

Against each organization there are options for countermeasures that interfere with the activities of illegal organizations in the territory of the empire.

3) Relationship with the organization

    Positive attitudes will provide a discount and improved effects from actions (for example, "slavedrivers" will sell at times more population, and "scavengers" additional information about empires in information banks), as well as provide information on interactions with other empires. Relationships increase from the prolonged use of services and special events.

     Negative attitude raises prices for services and leads to a chain of quests leading to the destruction of the organization. Use options to counter, destroy fleets, find the cells of organizations during the quest and during the final quest, destroy the main headquarters of the organization and receive a huge reward depending on the organization (the headquarters can be anywhere, and the quest will have a time limit). The organization can ask for help from the empire which is on good terms with it, which will create a quest from another empire for protection.


So, look at the example of relations with various illegal organization:

Relation with "Slavedrivers"

These are simple quests, as well as an improvement which is given as a reward:


Final quests and awards for them:

"Cravers" for the place of new laws receive faction trait:



Relation with "mercenaries"

Relation with "independent shipyards"

Relation with "Free-traders Union"


Updated 16 days ago.
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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


DEV jhell

status updated 7 years ago

We feel very sad to have to put this in "out of vision", as it represents a hefty amount of work which has been thoroughly detailed. The features go very in-depth but sadly bring too much complexity for what we'd like to have for ES2. If we ever get to implement a black or shadow market though we'll make sure to check back your idea for ideas :)


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8 years ago
Jul 2, 2017, 10:25:27 AM

Really dig this, moreover it could possibly be tied to a future espionnage system, with another organization that could sell informations about the other Empires.

btw I think you meant to call it "black market", no ? 

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8 years ago
Jul 2, 2017, 10:35:17 AM
Idyal wrote:

Really dig this, moreover it could possibly be tied to a future espionnage system, with another organization that could sell informations about the other Empires.

btw I think you meant to call it "black market", no ? 


I will return to this idea after I have completed the others. I plan to add at least two more organizations and add more details to the picture, and accordingly write more explanations. The shadow market, as a reference to the spy addon to EL - "Shadows". In the end, what's the difference, the developers will make the decisions :) 

Thanks for vote.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jul 20, 2017, 7:43:45 AM


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8 years ago
Jul 27, 2017, 1:15:23 AM

Holy Moly....I read through that tommorow. You really put a lot of work in it. But unlike my Ideas yours are much more precise and they need to be precise in this case.

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8 years ago
Aug 22, 2017, 4:18:56 PM

Dear god man, you have the best scale of detail for your ideas! This is fantastic!

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8 years ago
Aug 22, 2017, 4:32:45 PM
zeye wrote:

Dear god man, you have the best scale of detail for your ideas! This is fantastic!

Thanks Zeye!
There is still a lot of work to be done, and you can imagine how much work the developers have to do if they agree to this.
You can also look at other ideas, sooner or later I will redone old mockups and update them.

Updated 8 years ago.
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7 years ago
Oct 25, 2017, 4:28:17 PM

Non-factional galactic organisations... This is really one of the things what we must have. 

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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


DEV jhell

status updated 7 years ago

We feel very sad to have to put this in "out of vision", as it represents a hefty amount of work which has been thoroughly detailed. The features go very in-depth but sadly bring too much complexity for what we'd like to have for ES2. If we ever get to implement a black or shadow market though we'll make sure to check back your idea for ideas :)
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7 years ago
Feb 14, 2018, 4:37:37 AM

If the main concern is that this idea adds "too much" complexity, couldn't this suggested system be simplified by tying it to the pirate system?

Removing the factions, as cool as they are, and tying everything to one's "pirate" relations would simplify things.... especially when considering the complexities surrounding the quests and such.

Add to that ALL of this system goes out the window if all pirate bases are removed, and you've created "pirate wars" of sorts where some will be "pro pirate" and others "anti pirate".

From there it's all a matter of cutting away and modifying.

Remove aspects that can be incorporated into or are already being done in other areas of the game (the suggested addition of a black maket hero shop, for instance) and modify the rest (slight enhancements to mark mechanics could effectively replace the suggested addition of hiring mercs)

Keeping only what adds genuinly new mechanics, cutting all that simply adds complexity to existing mechanics.... this could be done.

I'm not saying anything revolutionary here, the dev's clearly have this in mind when they say this idea will be consulted if and when a set of black-market mechanics are being developed, but that doesn't mean we can't start thinking over what a "simpler" shadowmarket idea would look like.

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7 years ago
Feb 14, 2018, 6:04:31 PM

This constant simplicity makes the game even more boring. There's not much to do when you play your 3rd match....4X games NEED this complexity. That's it's charme. Also when you make a game where you ahve to control and lead an empire than please stop with the half assed Battlesystems. Either the Player has full controll, or the Ai has full control. That's how I see it.

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