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Faster Adamantian and Antimatter exploitation


8 years ago
Jun 30, 2017, 10:57:50 PM

1. I think the techs to exploit adamantian and antimatter in tier 4 are too long of a wait, since titanium and hyperium are in tier 1. Please move the two techs to exploit adamantian (crust engineering) and antimatter (gramma absorption) to tier 3 from tier 4 in economy and trade. As mentioned below techs to exploit quadrinix (megarisk containment) and orichalcix (exa-volt beam focus) moved to tier 4 from tier 5.

Currently "Adamantian Salvager"  from the tier 3 miltary tech and "Adamantian Repairbots" from the tier 3 science and exploration uses adamantian. In all my games I have to rush the two tier 4 techs. I just went back and play another game, in my game I had 500+ titanium and hyperium before I had the chance to research crust engineering and gramma absorption.

Updated 3 days ago.
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8 years ago
Jul 6, 2017, 6:38:31 AM

I thought this exact same thing! Its a pain to to either not have the resource or focus your research solely on getting the appropriate tech. Also like you said, three eras between titanium/hyperium and adamantium/antimatter is a long time to wait.

Additionally (and this might be out of the scope of your idea) I feel that its silly to have the orichalcix and quadrinix extraction tech on the same ring as the tech that uses it, in addition to being in the same tier of tech that can literally win you th game! I would also think that those technologies should be moved down one era as well.

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7 years ago
Jan 27, 2018, 1:28:46 AM

Wow seems the changes already got implemented. The techs got moved a tier earlier. Thanks.

Updated 7 years ago.
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