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Option to customize Privateer Ships

Space BattlesShip DesignMarketplaceEconomy

8 years ago
Nov 27, 2016, 2:49:38 AM

Once the tech to buy privateers units is available, I propose to add the option to "Request Fleet" to the marketplace.

Selecting this option allows the player to save one configuration per mercenary hull. After that, the player can select any number of these saved hull configuration to create a fleet, on an owned system to deploy it. This fleet order should be limited by the player current maximum CP

This option can have an additional cost in turns and dust to balance from normal Privateer units, and made unable to retrofit

This request option could look like this:

Updated 4 days ago.
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7 years ago
Jan 28, 2018, 6:58:18 PM

While I have not reconfirmed it for 1.2.1 or later, I used to be able to "fence" ships through the Marketpalce:
Sell my own ships. Buy them back instantly. Get a version of my ship with the "Mercenary" marker, allowing me to have a Privateer Fleet of my own designs. That I could fully upgrade.

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