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Faction creation contest for ecologist race

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8 years ago
Jul 5, 2017, 8:04:15 AM

I thought i would be a good idea sence there is no ecologist race yet and they might be in the works or on the backburner, but i think it would be a good idea to have a contest again to get a community created faction like how the Unfallen where made. There where many great and creative ideas that could be a great assest to the game and many of us who like to throw there hat into the ring again or for the first time myself inculded.

Updated a year ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 21, 2018, 4:25:25 PM

Im all for more!

Its funny that thus far the mantle of "ecologists" falls towards the Horatio most of all. This is reasonable in 2 ways; more beautiful Horatio worlds, and to feed more beautiful Horatios. 

Then the Unfallen came along, whom from the outside may appear like ecologist yet are truly literal tree-hippees (in a sense they are ecologists= good food production AND incredbile terraformers). 

What would your stance on this new empire be? Tree people are already taken, but botanical-based species overall is still there. Why are these people ecologists? Is it for benevolent or maniacle purpose (do they grow guns on trees?). AMP took an interesting perespective on ecologists in Legends, where the Wildwalkers were just that, yet had incredible infastructure as well.

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