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Destroying a planet in a system should decrease the system's manpower

MilitarySystem Management

8 years ago
Jul 11, 2017, 4:26:03 PM

It seems more logical to me.

It could be proportionnal to the population which was present on the destroyed planet.

For example, if the system has 30 populations before the explosion, the destroyed planet had 6 populations and the amount of manpower was 1000, as 6 is 30/5, 1000/5=200 manpower should be killed.

Updated 7 days ago.
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8 years ago
Jul 14, 2017, 8:14:20 PM

So I guess an extension of this Idea is that each planet has a certain, base manpower capacity, which is then modified by system improvements, faction traits, hero skills etc? Good idea! Perhaps planet type as well as population capacity would both influence this number.

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8 years ago
Jul 14, 2017, 8:25:20 PM

Yes ! I agree ! Let's start by the first idea but if the dev team has a little time, rebuilding the defense manpower as you suggest could be very nice !

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