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Different kinds of Alliance


8 years ago
Jul 16, 2017, 9:03:37 PM

Currently alliance seems to have some silly issues, like handing over end game tech to an ally to win, creating such a large alliance that you immediately win an expansion victory, or winning by leaving an alliance because victory conditions scale depending on the number of allies you have.

I would really like to have the option of segregating victory types from an alliance. 

In simpler terms, I would like to be able to create a "defensive pact" or military alliance but NOT  have my allies worlds, science, etc from impacting my victory conditions. I have my victory conditions, they have theirs, we still compete in those regards- but we can support each other militarily.

I would like this to be in addition to the current alliance type if I would like to use it. Since we don't have the ability (that I have seen, at least) to bribe another player into war against someone else, or entice them to join a current conflict without creating a full blown alliance, I think this would be a sensible addition to the game.

Updated 4 months ago.
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8 years ago
Aug 8, 2017, 7:09:30 AM

I actually like this idea there could be the current alliance which would probably be the same but without shared victory conditions but also a "better" more permanent alliance that comes with greater commitment, like maybe you would have to have been in a normal alliance for a set amount of turns before you can negotiate one, or have the influence meter  (that currently is rather useless in an alliance since you cant make demands of an ally ) become a relationship meter that fills by negotiating trades with each other or benifiting from trade and sience agreements and when it is full you can request the "greater alliance" with shared victory conditions but also with more commitment towards that alliance.

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