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More interactive events and quests


8 years ago
Jul 20, 2017, 3:55:26 AM

Perhaps there could be events that spawned enemies (pirates or diplomatic ships that require esscort) or maybe even stellar events like solar winds, gamma bursts, supernovas, etc. That would be cool.

Updated 3 months ago.
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7 years ago
Aug 29, 2017, 11:51:47 AM

Good idea! The environment can play more of a role. This could easily be implemented into the cooperative quests, only this would be more visual: like solar winds passing through the galaxy, positively and negatively affecting systems and units. 

What would be amazing, now that you mention it, is for star already owned by someone to sometimes (very rarely, perhaps once every few games to make it spectacular) explode. These events you mentioned, like solar winds and supernovas, could even lead to changes in the star type of surrounding systems - or damage to surrounding ships. This could change the game. 

Supernovas could be easily made playable: they only apply to super giant stars, so perhaps when you research a certain technology, you would be made aware on when (or if) one will explode. Alternatively, some smaller stars could, instead of going supernova, collapse into a black hole. In both cases the planets in the system are destroyed. Or maybe the left overs of the planets - with their deep cores now exposed - could lead to new resources. 

Great idea! So many possibilities... 

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7 years ago
Aug 29, 2017, 4:18:08 PM

Im happy you think so! I feel like there should be a galaxy to interact with outside other major factions. depending on my empire (i allways use custom factions) im usually in these long periods of war or long periods of peace which is all fun and good but if prolonged get a little stale. it would be nice for somthing else to spice up game play a bit. 

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