the current space battle system seems more like a cinematic cutscene rather than an actual battle, you dont get to do anything except watch the plasma fly around, as a player who likes to manage everything, this bothers me a slight bit.
to me the battle system would be a whole lot better if you can change certain things in battle:
1. targeting should be able to be overwriten by the player by choosing a ship or group of ships that should be targeted by a flotilla or maybe individual ships.
2. slight emphasis on certain weapons or protection, putting more power into one type of weapon or protection while sacrificing power and effectiveness on the other weapons and protection (exchanging power on projectile weapons for energy weapons/shields)
3. an overview screen where the targeting or emphasis on weapon/protection would be manageable, by changing the existing overview screen or implementing a different overview screen where such things would be manageable
it would keep the implementations out of the way and wouldn't interfere with the already existing cinematic experience of the space battles we're used to while making the space battles more engaging for people who want that.
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