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Force warp


8 years ago
Jul 29, 2017, 1:34:55 AM

There should be something like Alt + Click to force a fleet to warp to a destination.

Or generally ways to foce how I want a fleet to go.

Too often my fleet refuses to bypass a nasty - which is stupid since it cannot repair and so will just die if I send it towards friendly space (and it forces itself to go through the nasty).

Yeah, slower, so make that an ALTernate choice that can override the normal route computation.

Updated 13 hours ago.
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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

There is a hotkey to force warp movement.


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8 years ago
Jul 29, 2017, 6:36:50 PM

I like this, a example would be you want to send your lost horatio vessal to a hot world, but its gotta go through to cold ones to get to the hot one where he belongs with all his stupid tanning gear.   Maybe make it a alt key, that forces that fleet to go DIRECT from A to B, seems easy to impliment and pretty straightforeward wtih purpose.  It would be wonderful because it would also decrease the stregnth of the unfallen a bit by not having deal with all those vines, because currently in MP they are very OP!

Anyway! Great idea, you get my vote!

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8 years ago
Aug 2, 2017, 1:17:06 PM

can also be used when you want to move your fleet from one system to another, but the "fastest" route happens to go through another empire's territory, and you might not want to anger them by moving your military ships through their territory. or as I like to do with my scout ships, warping in between the gaps of horatio's systems to scout out the curiosities before he can without waltzing the ships through his territory and instigating a war lol (I just want the curiosity points and the loot, he's eventually gonna colonize them and benefit from my scouting anyway)

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7 years ago
Aug 25, 2017, 1:05:16 AM

correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe this was added in the latest update. holding control forces ships to go directly to a specific system instead of the most efficient path. so uh, congrats!

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7 years ago
Aug 25, 2017, 1:34:22 PM

yes - it was!  1.36 has it - I just didn't realize that until I went through all of the change log last evening.

So - Yay! :D

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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

There is a hotkey to force warp movement.

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