When I zoom into a system from an event, my startegic map should then be centered on that system.
The whole point, for me, in zooming, is to get context. Which !@# system is this event referring to?...
But when I do this, it zooms so far in that I can't tell where it is, so I have to unzoom - which !@#$ sends me back to where was.
But I have enough clue in the zoom-animation to go find it now - I know if I zoomed "up" or "left" or wherever, so I can manually go find the system.
But that's unfortunate. I need the context, so I have to: 1. Zoom in, 2. Zoom out, 3. manually retrace the zoom to find it.
Zooming into a system should center on that system

8 years ago
Jul 29, 2017, 3:19:34 AM
Updated 2 months ago.
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