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logo amplifiers simplified
8 years ago
Aug 14, 2017, 7:22:39 AM

There is huge potential in the mechanics of the game to be able to construct giant maga structures (or not so mega) so ive come up with some ideas on what some could be.

1.) Starbases, i mean really, who doesnt want starbases. (Super defense structure. acts as fleet)

2.) cross-galaxy transportation IE. stargate or mass relay type thing.  (warp functionality or additional movment points for fleets in its influence)

3.) sheild world (additional layer of protection that would delay invasions.)

4.) Surface to orbit weopons (giant surface weaopns that acctually got used in the space battles.)

These are just a few ideas to get the ball rolling but there is so much potential for some really cool game changers. I love the idea of my fleets being obliterated by a craver flotilla then i giant planet laser rips through their carrier. I think that would be cool.

Updated 2 days ago.
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7 years ago
Aug 26, 2017, 9:33:52 AM

I hesitated to make a new idea of it, but what I had in mind was a way to have some sort of basic defence for systems that can supress a bit errand ships. 

In the mid-game until late-game, it is really annoying to have just one small pirate or ennemy ship able to blockade an entire system fully developed. That forces the player to let plenty of small fleet just un case another single ship wander behind front line of a war.

So, accordingly to #1 above, I would suggest a single building/system enhancement that could be either a fix building with a given attack power (around 100 or 200), that could just harm these kind of flying bugs. If a lot of your systems are equiped this way, then the small ship will be slowly harassed going from one of your system to another, and will finish by being destroyed over time.

Another solution would be to include a battlestation linked to a moon of a planet (or diretcly to the planet) as an empty hull. Then you can equiped it the same way as a ship, but the difference would be that it will remain still. It will have its own upkeep (so you don't have too much of them), but the big perk would be to be able to grow them (in number) and update them (with new tech and modules).

No matter the solution, it will greatly help to have a way to protect systems without spending too much time creating a lot of small fleet or to move restlessly existing ones.

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7 years ago
Aug 26, 2017, 4:39:33 PM

I agree. I was also thinkijg of it has a come-back mechanic for smaller empires so they dont get steam rolled by larger empires. Either way it would be cool to have star bases, i tried to keep it vaugue enough to spark conversations

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